  • 學位論文


The relationship among Product Knowledge,Product Value, Product Loyalty and Purchase Intention of the Oats Meal Food in Taiwan

指導教授 : 莊世杰


隨著國民所得的提升、保健意識的抬頭、人口邁入老齡化以及文明病逐年攀升等等因素,促使現代人開始注重在平時生活飲食,就以燕麥產品做為預防養生觀念之建立。但是,每個人對燕麥產品的認知、產品需求及生理差異,使得消費者在選擇燕麥產品時,會因個人背景變數、產品知識、使用經驗等消費者知覺及決策,以致於對購買燕麥產品之行為產生不同的影響。 本研究主要探討及評估在燕麥產品產業中,消費者的產品知識在產品價值、產品忠誠度二變數因子的干擾下,是否會直接或間接影響消費者的購買意圖。希望透過本研究結果,提供燕麥食品產業在行銷策略上的建議,調整行銷手法,以利於未來業者能提供消費者安全健康的燕麥產品。 本研究以台灣地區有購買燕麥產品經驗之消費者做為主要研究之對象。依台灣北、中、南、東部四地區採用問卷方式,作為調查方法。本研究共發放560份問卷,回收有效樣本為438份(回收率78.2%),即以此樣本進行分析。而本研究對於理論架構與假設之驗證部份,則是利用迴歸分析來驗證消費者產品知識、產品價值感、產品忠誠度及購買意圖之因果關係,來探討消費者在不同構面間之表現是否有顯著的影響。 根據本研究統計分析之驗證結果,歸納下列結論: 一、 產品知識對產品價值感有正向的顯著影響。 二、 產品知識對產品忠誠度有正向的顯著影響。 三、 產品知識對購買意圖有正向的顯著影響。 四、 產品價值感干擾產品知識與購買意圖之關係,當產品價值感正向 時產品知識越高,則購買意圖越有顯著影響。 五、 產品忠誠度干擾產品知識與購買意圖之關係,當產品忠誠度正向 時產品知識越高,則購買意圖越有顯著影響。


There are several reasons to arouse people’s attention to keep in good health with demand of oats product. 1. The prosperity growth 2. The conscious of health care protection 3. Aging society 4. Modern civilized disease The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the consumer’s product knowledge if would be interfered with product value and loyalty and to impact purchase intention of consumer. With this result, we will advise oats company’s marketing strategy and technique to provide consumer secure and health oats product for the future. This paper set up the conceptual framework and hypothesis based on the theory and used to valid questionnaires with experience of purchasing oats over Taiwan northern, central, southern and eastern sections. The data base is 560 filled questionnaires, 438 responses, and 78.2% valid overall response rate. By implementing the regression analysis to verify each hypothesis to check the effect on consumer, and got some results with analysis and verification, the conclusions are following: 1. Product knowledge has positive effect on product value. 2. Product knowledge has positive effect on product loyalty. 3. Product knowledge has positive effect on purchase intention. 4. Product value has positive effect on purchase intention with the relationship of product knowledge and value. 5. Product loyalty has positive effect on purchase intention with the relationship of product knowledge and value.


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