  • 學位論文


The Related Research between Knowledge Management and Lifelong Learning Capability of the Leaders of Active Aging Learning Centers

指導教授 : 吳明烈


樂齡學習中心領導者在知識管理與終身學習時代中,勢須藉由持續學習並發展知識管理能力,以帶領團隊提供高齡者實踐終身學習的環境。有鑑於此,本研究旨在探討樂齡學習中心領導者知識管理能力與終身學習能力之現況,並分析背景變項影響程度與兩者之間的關係。為達上述研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法進行研究,以全台樂齡學習中心主任為對象,總計發出問卷301份,回收有效問卷234 份,回收率為77.7%。所得問卷資料以SPSS Statistics 20統計軟體為工具,進行敘述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關等統計分析,獲得研究結論如下: 一、樂齡學習中心領導者擁有中上程度的知識管理能力,其中以「知識與資訊蒐集」能力程度最高,而「知識與資訊組織」與「知識與資訊分享」能力可再增強。 二、樂齡學習中心領導者擁有高程度的終身學習能力,「學會改變」的能力程度最高,「學會做事」能力可再增強。 三、女性領導者在「知識與資訊蒐集」表現較佳,年齡51-60歲、服務年資3-4年以及參與培訓次數達4次以上之領導者,知識管理能力表現較佳。 四、年齡51-60歲與服務年資為3-4年之樂齡學習中心領導者,其終身學習能力表現較佳。 五、樂齡學習中心領導者知識管理能力與終身學習能力具有顯著正相關。 本研究最後根據以上結論提出具體建議,以供政府機構、樂齡學習中心領導者及後續研究者參考。


In the time of knowledge management and lifelong learning, a leader of active aging and learning center must constantly learn and develop the ability on knowledge management in order to lead a team to provide elderly people an environment of practicing lifelong learning. In view of this, this study was designed to investigate the status of active aging and learning center leaders’ knowledge management capability and the capacity of lifelong learning; meanwhile, it is to analyze the relationship between background variables and the degree of influence between the two. In order to achieve the aforementioned goals, a method of questionnaire is used in this study.With the directors of all active aging and learning centers in Taiwan as the study objects, a total of 301 questionnaires were sent out and 234 valid questionnaires were retrieved. The recovery rate was 77.7%.SPSS Statistics 20 statistical software was used as tools to analyze the resulting survey data for descriptive statistics, independent samples t test, one-way analysis of variance, and Pearson product moment correlation statistical analysis. The obtained conclusions are as follows : 1.The directors of active aging and learning centers possess medium to high degree of knowledge management capability. Among the capabilities they have, the directors show the highest degree of "knowledge and information gathering" capability; yet they also show capability on "knowledge and information organizing" and "knowledge and information sharing" should be enhanced. 2.The directors of active aging and learning centers possess high degree of lifelong learning capability. Among the capabilities they have, the directors show the highest degree of "learning to change" ability; yet they show "learning to do" capability should be enhanced.. 3.Female leaders show better performance in "knowledge and information gathering;" those ages between 51–60 with a service experience of 3-4 years and training of more than 4 times show better capability of knowledge management. 4.Those directors of active aging and learning centers with ages between 51 – 60 and a service experience of 3-4 years show a better capability of lifelong learning. 5.There is a positive correlation between the knowledge management capability and lifelong learning capability among the directors of active aging and learning centers. This study, by using the above conclusions, provides specific suggestions for the related government agencies and directors of active aging and learning centers.




