  • 學位論文


A study on Influential Factors of Customer Relations,Members of Trust and Relationship Commitment for Cooperatives Members Cooperation will in Future-Case study on Federation of Taiwan Provincial Fruits and Vegetables Cooperatives

指導教授 : 柯立祥 彭克仲




信任 關係承諾 合作社 分享價值


The objective of this study is to investigate whether the trust and relationship commitment were affected by the service quality, behavior of relationship management, and the value-view of members between the organization and it members. The Federation of Taiwan Provincial fruits and vegetables cooperatives was chosen as the evaluation subject to study it cause and effect relationship between the Cooperatives and it members in the behavior of service relationship, satisfactions of relationship, trust, and commitment. Data were collected through questionnaire survey and analyzed by path analysis. Results showed the cause and effect relationship existed in the members’ service behavior, degree of trust and commitment of relationships to it members. Member cooperatives will directly and indirectly affect the future cooperation with the Federation when viewed from the medication variables such as trust, value of sharing etc.


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