  • 學位論文

數位音樂平台經營模式與服務創新之研究-以 iTunes 與 KKBOX 為例

Digital Music Platforms of Business Model and Innovative Service-A Case Study for iTunes and KKBOX

指導教授 : 劉寧漢


近年來,音樂產業市場出現重大的改變,在存取音樂檔案的格式中有明顯的不同,從以往的實體 CD 逐漸轉為數位音樂的方式播放,並且透過多媒體設備讓音樂可以隨時隨地帶著走,打破以往傳統實體音樂的銷售模式。而消費者開始減少購買實體唱片的意願,從此使音樂產業面臨了實體唱片銷售量銳減的市場變化,也因此唱片公司的主要營收來源出現了危機,所以開始對非法的線上音樂平台提出侵權的控訴,另一方面許多公司也積極的尋找合法線上數位音樂的營運方式,使得音樂銷售價值鏈的改變,帶動了數位音樂產業的競爭力。 本研究以國內知名的線上音樂平台「KKBOX」與美國最具代表性的線上音樂平台「iTunes」為研究對象,以資源基礎理論來檢視公司有形與無形的資產,再以策略網絡來探討公司異業結盟之資源互補的現象,最後經由訪談KKBOX相關人員與整理其他次級資料並探討其經營模式與服務價值創新之過程,進而歸納出其關鍵成功因素。 因此,線上音樂平台的關鍵成功因素可整理歸納為以下五點:(一)使用者介面簡單易懂,並設計符合使用者需求之服務;(二)注重企業經營創新之能力,重視客戶的使用經驗;(三)建立品牌之價值,企業內部調整與招聘優秀人員(四)積極主動尋求與各個企業合作的機會,讓線上音樂平台可以提供多樣性服務內容;(五)將線上音樂平台之經營模式統一,使單曲購買與串流收聽兩者服務模式都能同時存在,而本研究之研究對象也積極地朝向這些來發展,希望能為公司帶來源源不絕的利潤。


The music industry has dramatically changed in recent years. Especially in the file format for accessing the music methods are obviously different. In the meantime, digital music can take away by multimedia equipment which has already broken the traditional business model. Meanwhile, consumers begin to decrease their willing to purchase the physical albums. Therefore, the music industry is facing the decrease the sales dramatically which cause the crisis of revenues. On the one hand, they suited to the copyright infringement of digital music platform. On the other hand, many companies also seek aggressively for the legal business model. Based on above discussion, that causes the change of the value chains and increases the competitive advantages. First of all, this study focuses on KKBOX and iTunes as research targets. We adopt the resources based theory to review the intangible and tangible assets and use the strategic network theory to examine the alliance across industries. Most important of all, this study not only interviewed some key mangers of KKBOX and senior researchers of Institute for information industry (III), but also consolidated the important secondary materials. Therefore, we include some critical successful factors. In the nutshells, the critical successful factors of digital music platform can consolidate as below. First of all, it has to provide user friendly interface and excellent services. Secondly, it must care and emphasis on customers experience. Thirdly, it must recruit outstanding talents to create the brand value. Next, it also needs to cooperate with albums to provide fruitful and diversify content. Last but not least, it has to unify the business model of the digital music platform. Meanwhile, it needs to provide the streaming and downloading at the same time. Overall, the KKBOX and iTunes develop in this way and bring the huge revenues eventually.


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