  • 學位論文


Competition Strategy in Digital Music Industry-A case of Apple Computer, Microsoft, SONY

指導教授 : 江炯聰


本研究旨在研究數位音樂產業的發展動態、廠商角力,佐以相關理論探討,試圖從中找到廠商行為背後的理論基礎,預測廠商與產業走向。本研究透過分析三家個案公司蘋果電腦、微軟與新力所主導的系統架構在此產業中的各項活動,以理論架構作系統性分析,得出結論如下: DRM系統標準競爭:短期內不會有統一標準出現,預估蘋果系統雖會持續領先,但微軟系統的擴張速度也會日益加快。至於勢單力薄的SONY,需仰賴播放器與線上音樂商店等應用階層的銷售拉抬,才有可能與蘋果、微軟相抗衡。但即便SONY決定退出DRM競爭,微軟與蘋果的標準戰爭還是會持續下去。 個案廠商系統架構競爭:本研究預測蘋果於短期內並無開放FairPlay DRM系統的誘因,但長期而言將可能開放其DRM系統給其他「線上音樂商店」,讓其販售可在iPod或iPod手機上播放的數位音樂,蘋果將視微軟陣營的後續發展考量開放時點;另外,新增音樂服務與拉攏聯盟伙伴、與影視紅星及獨立創作者保持密切合作將是蘋果未來的發展重點。 微軟將積極授權WM DRM系統及推動相關應用,WM DRM系統作為其數位家庭娛樂中心的策略一環,除非微軟自己認輸並退出競爭,否則Bill Gates與Steve Jobs的競爭將延續;透過「Playsforsure」所組成的軟/硬體聯盟共同對抗蘋果,並藉由盟友的力量擴張微軟DRM系統的安裝基礎。 新力現階段的要務將是從事內部整合,另外SONY也將思考如何透過SONY Ericson在手機界的資源、品牌形象、使用者基礎作為進入手機音樂/音樂手機市場的跳板,並與其專屬之線上音樂商店、娛樂、音樂事業做緊密結合。本研究更預測新力極有可能與微軟合作,與蘋果系統抗衡。 在內容供應商部分,本文預測唱片公司將持續大量進行合法音樂授權給線上音樂商店及手機音樂下載廠商,方便消費者以合法方式下載音樂,減少非法下載情形。線上音樂商店則會面臨到競爭日趨激烈、同質性高等不利因素的挑戰,須設法透過使用者價值提升、社群建立,或其他方式加以差異化,而非進行價格競爭。


The purpose of this research is not only to analyze activities and competition between systems and corporations in digital music industry which with network effect, but also to predict the future development as well as market power switch in this industry. Based on system competition theory and co-opetition theory as framework, this research analyzed the competition strategy of Apple computer, Microsoft and SONY in each dimension, including customer, supplier, complementor and competitor side. According to the analysis result, the conclusions are as follows: DRM standard competition: there won’t be any dominant standard and Apple will hold the leading position in the short term. Taking advantage of alliance with hardware/software/online music shop, Microsoft’s DRM system will increase its installed base rapidly. Therefore, the standard competition between Apple and Microsoft is continuing. System competition: Apple who is predicted not to open its FairPlay DRM to others may have possibility to open its DRM to other “online music shops” in the long run for some strategic reasons. Microsoft keeps licensing WM DRM as more as possible to increase its installed base, and further, to accomplish Microsoft’s “digital home center” goal. SONY whose current status is inferior to Apple and Microsoft will prioritize to integrate corporation resources like motion picture, music, consumer devices. Besides, this research predicted that SONY and Microsoft may work together to rival with Apple system for both-side interests. Regarding to content suppliers, music groups will keep licensing their content to online music shops and the new-coming mobile music service providers. Further, music group will promote download music legally instead of illegal P2P downloads and file-sharing. As to the online music shop owners, they are faced by keen competition and low price pressure. To prevent or solve this problem, they need to think thoroughly about how to increase consumers’ value by forming community, value-added services and other means to differentiate itself from competitors.


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