  • 學位論文


The Effects of Product Attributes, Brand Image and Perceived Price on Purchase Intention — A Case Study on Organic Soybean Products of Chuangui Company

指導教授 : 鄭秋桂


本研究主要探討有機豆製品的產品屬性、品牌形象、知覺價格對購買意願之影響。以網路問卷發放為主,以可能對有機豆製品具有購買意願的消費者為研究對象,共發出450份問卷,經SPSS統計分析軟體進行敘述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定及變異數分析、相關分析、路徑分析來檢定產品屬性、品牌形象、知覺價格、購買意願等四個構面之差異與關係。   研究發現,有機豆製品消費市場趨向於高教年輕世代,相似加工製造背景之職業類群。職業與年齡的不同重視的是品牌與產品屬性,而年齡與教育程度則明顯重視價格及其購買可能性。產品品質、品牌形象越高,並且價格越合理時,購買可能性越大;此外,消費者對價格感受較產品本身屬性更能影響購買意願。研究建議著重宣傳對有機豆製品的品質、新鮮度與口感訴求,也讓有機、食品安全等理念納入食育;後續研究則可持續探討有機豆製品的消費偏好與購買行為。


This study focused on the properties of organic soybean products, brand image, perception price to affect purchase intention. In the way by online surveys questionnaire, that consumers may be purchase organic soybean products for an object of study, issued a total of 450 questionnaires, by SPSS statistical analysis software carry out descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test and analysis of variance, correlation analysis, path analysis to test the product attributes, brand image, perceived price and purchase intention for difference and relationships. This study found that organic soybean proudcts consumer market tends to be of higher education of the young generation, similar processing and manufacturing background of occupational groups. Different occupations and age are concerned with brand and product attributes, the age and education level is significantly great importance to price and purchase possibilities. When the higher product quality, brand image and more reasonable prices, the greater the possibility of purchasing. In addition, consumers feel the price is more than the product itself affect purchase intention attributes. suggests, focusing on organic soy promote its quality, freshness and taste appeals but also to organic, food safety and other concepts included sterile water. Follow-up studies to explore the sustainable organic soy consumer preferences and buying behavior.


