  • 學位論文


The Preference Study of Video’s Thumbnail Layout Design by YouTubers in People and Blogs Category

指導教授 : 詹玉艷


現代人們閱聽的方式漸漸在改變,獲取資訊的管道也從書面的報章雜誌,轉為由電子產品呈現的影音媒體,在這個環境下誕生了不少以YouTube為發展平台的影音創作者,稱為「YouTuber」,透過經營自己的YouTube頻道,來增加粉絲、創造收益,甚至能成為KOL,在與各個企業或廠商的合作下,達到「影響力行銷」的效果。然而,在經營YouTube頻道的過程中,個人品牌的經營顯得相當重要,其中的要素包含了頻道的形象、影片的主軸風格,其中透過文獻可得知影片縮圖的視覺設計為眾多YouTuber會考量的要素之一,會影響到觀眾點閱影片的動機以及篩選影片的速度。 本研究搜集在「人物與部落格」類別的YouTuber,訂閱數前10名的影片縮圖做為研究樣本,在透過KJ法將依影片內容分為六大分類。然後以問卷調查的方式,得出在同一類別之中哪些縮圖較受歡迎。並進行視覺要素上的分析。得出的結果如下: (一)依注目程度來看,影片縮圖會透過編排設計製造視覺焦點,提升注目度。編排設計的元素,文字以粗黑體最多,文字色彩大多以紅、白、黃三色為主。圖像的形式則是以經過後製處理的攝影照片居多。構圖的方式由居中式構圖最多。(二)在傳達性上,觀眾能夠過圖像及文案了解影片的內容。圖像及文案的內容會因影片的主題而有所不同,圖像部分會由人物對影片主題表現某種情緒,增加故事性。少部分文案會以聳動的標題或是保持神秘感來吸引觀眾。(三)在個人品牌經營上,多數YouTuber會有自己頻道的風格及影片主軸,頻道的定位明確,鎖定特定客群。


Nowadays, audiences’ habit of is changing, and the ways of obtaining information are turning from reading magazines and newspaper to watching and listening to audio-visual media from electronic products. Many video-creators based on the internet platform of YouTube have emerged under this background. These so-called YouTubers use their own channels to attract fans, generate revenue, or even become the Key Opinion Leaders (KOL), cooperating with every kind of enterprises or companies to achieve the “influencer marketing”. However, when managing the YouTube channels, we understand that the personal brand is very important, of which the factors include the image of channel and the main style of videos. From the literature, it is clear that visual design is one of the factors that many YouTubers will take into consideration as it affects the motivation of viewers to click on those videos and the speed of filtering videos. This study collects YouTubers from the group of “People and Blogs”, of which those who have top 10 subscribed video thumbnails were taken as the subjects. Then, the KJ method was used to separate the content of videos into six main categories. After that, the questionnaire survey was adopted to discover which video thumbnails are more popular in the same group. The analysis of visual elements was conducted in the end, and the results are as below: A.When it comes to the degree of attention, video thumbnails can create an increased visual focus and attention through the layout design. The elements of the layout design are mostly bold emphasized texts, and the colours of the texts are usually in red, white, or yellow. The image pattern is generally with photos that have undergone post-production processing. The way of composition is usually from centred composition. B.In terms of communication, viewers can understand the content of the videos through images and the copywriting. The content of images and the copywriting can vary depending on the theme of videos. As for the image, the characters express certain emotions on the theme of the videos to dramatize the story. Some videos use copywriting will with a sensational title or a sense of mystery to attract the viewers. C.For the personal brand management, most YouTubers will have their own styles and main theme for the videos, and their channel's positioning is clear by targeting specific viewers and groups.


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