  • 學位論文

探討外表吸引力與相似性對使用者信任 及使用意圖之影響—以部落格為例—

Is physical attractiveness and similarity can really enhance users' trust and increase their intention to use your Blog? - An experimental study

指導教授 : 劉士豪


近年來,經調查顯示,上網的民眾中,所從事過的網路活動以資訊類的網路活動最高。部落格改變人們獲得資訊的習慣,讓每個人都可以在網路上自由發表文章,使虛擬網路上的互動更加頻繁與快速。而近兩年來,正妹效應在網路活動中受到各界的注目,不僅創造話題也帶來許多人潮,過去國內外學者在探討正妹效應的研究大多以外表吸引力的研究為主,學者Widgery(1963)指出具外表吸引力發訊者之來源可信度,顯著高於不具外表吸引力之發訊者,所以其所傳遞的訊息可信度也會較高。另外,學者陳靜慧 (2000) 提出較相似的互動雙方,在有共同的互動基礎時,較能夠預測對方的行為,進而強化對彼此間的信任。對此,本研究試圖採以外表吸引力及相似性等研究之理論基礎,來加以解釋與預測網路使用者使用部落格網站之使用行為;此外,並嘗試探索不同性別是否會影響使用者對於部落格網站之使用行為。希望藉由本研究可以提供部落格經營者或是企業主發展自己的部落格經營策略。 研究結果指出:(1)部落格經營者的外表吸引力會正向影響使用者對部落格資訊的信任;(2)部落格資訊的信任會正向影響使用意圖;(3)外表吸引力會直接且正向的影響使用意圖,且男性的影響較女性來得強烈;(4)在高度外表吸引力的情況下,相似性無顯著影響。


In the recent years, the survey shows that People ,are engaged in information network activities to the highest classof network activity. Blog change people's habit of access to information, so that everyone can freelypublished an article on the Internet.Let virtual network of interactions more frequent and rapid. And the past two years, pretty girl’s effect is on the public attention on network activity, not only created a number of topics also brought the crowd. Domestic and foreign scholars in the past to explore the research most of the pretty girl’s effect is physical attractiveness research-based. Widgery (1963) pointed out that with physical attractiveness of the source credibility of the sender, Significantly higher than non-physical attractiveness of the sender, so the credibility ofthe message it will be higher.In addition, the Chen Jinghui (2000) made the interaction more similar to the two sides, In a common interaction basis , more than predict each other's behavior, and thusstrengthen the mutual trust. In this regard, this study attempts to adopt physical attractiveness and similarity studies of the theoretical basis,to explain and predict network users use blog’s behavior. In addition, try to explore different gender will affect user for use the blog. Hoping that through this study can provide theoperator or blog business owners to develop their blog business strategy. Finally, the results are: (1) blog operators’s physical attractiveness will positively influence user's trust on theblog informatio;(2) the trust of blog information will positively affect the intended use;(3) physical attractiveness will have a direct and positive impact on the intended use, andmen more strongly affected than women;(4) in the case of a high degree of physical attractiveness,similarity no significant effect.


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