  • 學位論文


A study of Using Instant Messaging Software LINE for Parent-teacher Communication by Preschool Teacher

指導教授 : 吳有龍


即時通訊軟體LINE於現今人際互動的使用普及,其功能特性亦符合當代親師溝通之需求,因此讓教師運用於親師溝通,建立起新的溝通橋樑。而認知發展處於運思前期的幼兒園學童,因認知方面的不成熟,為讓班務運作順利,幼兒園教師極需與家長密切互動溝通。因此本研究以探究幼兒園教師運用即時通訊軟體LINE於親師溝通之動機、使用經驗與使用後對教師之影響因素與因應措施為研究目的。研究對象為高雄市某國小附幼四位教師,研究方法首先採用個別深度訪談,並輔以焦點團體訪談法,藉由訪談內容,探究分析出受訪者的使用動機、使用態度、作法與想法等,最後再進行資料分析、整理與歸納。 研究結果發現 :在引發幼兒園教師使用LINE之動機上,1.能立即解決問題,2.讓班級經營更順暢。在幼兒園教師使用LINE之經驗,1.教師同時採用班級群組與私人聊天室,2.教師較常使用群組聊天室,3.緊急突發狀況為最迫切使用的時機。在使用LINE對幼兒園教師之影響層面上,1.教師處理各項工作事務有效率,提升班級經營之成效,2.能拉進親師距離,獲得家長信任,凝聚群組向心力,促進和諧親師關係,3.促進親師生一同成長,4.造成教師心理壓力及情緒困擾。最後,教師認同LINE的即時互動性、便利性、免費使用及處理問題的有效性,因此未來仍會持續使用LINE進行親師溝通。


Nowadays, the use of instant messaging software LINE is popular that is consider as one of the communication channels by teachers for communication bridges between parents and teachers. For kindergarten children whose cognitive development is still immature, it is important to kindergarten teachers for interacting closely with parents in order to smooth classroom operations. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the motivation, experience, and impact of the use of LINE, the real-time communication software, for teachers' communication within kindergartens. The study was conducted with four teachers from a national elementary school in Kaohsiung City. The research method used in-depth interviews to discover and analyze the motives, attitudes, practices, and opinions of the interviewees through one-on-one interactive verbal conversations. The results of this study showed that the motivation of kindergarten teachers to use LINE was 1. for solving problems immediately or 2. for making classroom operation smoother. In terms of kindergarten teachers' experiences with LINE, 1. teachers used both class groups and private chat rooms, 2. teachers used group chat rooms more often, and 3. emergency situations were the most urgent times to use LINE. In terms of the impact of using LINE on kindergarten teachers, 1. teachers were more efficient in handling various tasks and enhancing the effectiveness of classroom operations, 2. teachers were able to improve the parent-teacher distance, gain parental trust, gather group cohesion, and promote harmonious parent-teacher relationships, 3. teachers and students were able to grow together, and 4. teachers were caused psychological stress and emotional distress. Finally, it was found that teachers would continue to use LINE for parent-teacher communication in the future, and that the real-time interactivity, convenience, free access, and effectiveness of LINE in handling problems made teachers willing to continue using it.


