  • 學位論文


Food Banks in Singapore -Social Welfare Perspective

指導教授 : 黃全慶


「食物銀行」概念與經營模式在這幾年間,在台灣各縣市中紛紛崛起,有政府部門與民間協力單位共同合作經營,也有民間單位自籌分配經營,各式各樣服務模式的食物銀行最初概念,還是以收集多餘的資源來協助有需求的民眾為主要的服務模式。 在國外「食物銀行」的經營模式與方法較多元與多樣性,本研究在以社會福利脈絡為前提比較了中西方食物銀行的經營模式之後,選擇了新加坡為此研究主要分析觀察對象。 主要因為新加坡是一個高度經濟發展的國家,且不管在人文、環境、氣候與文化的多樣性都和台灣極為相似,唯獨和台灣極為不同的是新加坡政府是個極權威治的政府,這樣極權政府高度威權的治理底下,新家坡的國民生產毛額是台灣的兩倍,這樣競爭的環境中,新加坡對於貧窮政策與資源分配是否能平均分配,而本研究所要關注研究的是新加坡食物銀行又是如何運作?是否有哪些地方是值得台灣參考借鏡?食物銀行的社會福利脈絡又為何?本研究以社會福利觀點切入以新加坡最主要推行和操作食物銀行的NGO作為研究的對象,透過文獻收集分析與訪談紀錄並實際至新加坡機構實地觀察,藉由蒐集回來的資訊加以彙整分析與討論。 經由研究發現,新加坡政府強調人民要自立而自強,政府透過優渥的抵稅措施吸引大量的企業投入志願服務與資源的投入,而食物銀行人性化的服務讓新加坡食物銀行的經營方式更加的多元。


The concepts and operating models of “Food Banking”have been raising in many Taiwanese cities and counties in the past few years, such as managing by government department and organization, the self-operation by organization. Although there is a variety of operation models in “Food Bank”, the original concept which is collecting the surplus resources to provide the assistance for the needy still remains the main service model. There are many different operation models of food banking in western countries. the current research chose Singapore as the main research target after comparing the social welfare systems between eastern and western countries. Singapore is a country with the high ranking in socioeconomic development in worldwide, meanwhile, the similarity in humanity, environment, weather, and diversity of cultural with Taiwan. Yet, the government system of Singapore is much different compared to Taiwan. However, the gross domestic product in Singapore is two-fold than Taiwan. How could the welfare policy and resource allocation to become justifiable under the high competitive environment in Singapore? What is the operation model of food bank in Singapore? Is there any advantages we could learn from Singapore? Most importantly, what is the context in the social welfare system of food bank? The current research was focusing on the social welfare perspective with non-governmental organizations that are operating the food bank in Singapore. With the literature review, interview recordings, and the field observations in the organizations at Singapore to analyze the data and discuss. The results from the current research discovered the well-organized system in the tax deduction for attracting many companies to endeavor the voluntary and donor in resources that provided by the government of Singapore. Meanwhile, the humanity services of food bank and the emphasizing on the self-reliance to make the variety in the operation models of food banks in Singapore.


古允文(譯)(1999)Esping-Andersen, Gosta著。自由主義社會政策的階層化。巨流:台北市。
