  • 學位論文

不同型式牛樟芝(Antrodia cinnamomea YMT 1002)萃取物之致變異(mutagenecity)之探討

Safety evaluation of extracts of Antrodia cinnamomea YMT 1002 by Ames test

指導教授 : 王順成


牛樟芝是台灣特有的蕈類,在最近的十餘年,有許多針對其功能性的研究,包括抗癌、抗發炎、免疫調節、抗氧化、抗高血壓、抗肝病毒及肝保護活性等。我國衛生福利部食品藥物管理署公告的「可供食品使用原料彙整一覽表」,一直將牛樟芝菌絲體與子實體,列為可供食品使用原料菇蕈類中的一項;但因近年有學者對牛樟芝的食用安全性提出質疑,牛樟芝之食品安全性受到大眾關注。因此本研究以Ames test利用沙門氏菌之TA98和TA100菌株針對主要的四種類型牛樟芝(Antrodia cinnamomea YMT 1002)食品原料進行測試,並分別添加與不添加肝臟活化酵素(S9)測試上述牛樟芝原料萃取物之致變異性,並以探討體內肝臟活化酵素對解毒功能之影響。結果顯示該四種類型牛樟芝的乙酸乙酯萃取物均不具致突變性;故牛樟芝菌絲體與子實體均具開發健康食品配方之潛力。


Antrodia cinnamomea is an indigenous fungus in Taiwan. In recent ten years, there are many studies on its functionality, including anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, anti-oxidation, anti-hypertensive, anti-virus and liver protection activity. Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare has announced the mycelium and fruiting bodies of A. cinnamomea, are edible raw materials for food recipe in fungus category. However, some scholars have questioned food safety of A. cinnamomea recently, which has drawn quite some public attention. Therefore, this study on Ames test using TA98 and TA100 salmonella strains were tested for the main four food ingredients of A. cinnamomea YMT 1002. The ethyl acetate extracts of these four ingredients were added and not added liver activating enzyme (S9) testing about the induced variability, and to explore the impact of enzyme activation of the liver's detoxification function. The results showed that four types of ethyl acetate extract of A. cinnamomea YMT 1002 have no mutagenicity; therefore the mycelium and fruiting bodies of A. cinnamomea YMT 1002 are potential food ingredients for development of health food formulation.


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