  • 學位論文


The Study of Legal Nature of Environmental Disputes and the Evaluation of the associated Compensation

指導教授 : 林盛隆


環保公害糾紛已是邁入科技文明國家必須面對迫切之課題,如何建立完整救濟賠償制度,維護社會公益,是本文探討的重點。例如,台灣RCA公司廢水排入廠址地下水,多年以後引起員工罹癌率增加。經過多年的纏訟,終於判決必須對員工賠償五億多元。但何以訴訟如此漫長?這裡指出一個相當重要的關鍵¬:因果關係。 本研究仿時事設計一虛擬空污案例,研究的方式將從定性與定量兩個主軸出發。前者以法律性質的探討為基礎,主要內涵不外乎尋求環境公害糾紛法律救濟面,是否法律有明文規定環境權? 環境公害糾紛處理現行國內法律是否有相關規定救濟? 先從環境相關法規找起,得出現行只有行政程序救濟法規,也就是公害糾紛處理法,其餘實體救濟法規必須回歸民法之特別侵權行為探討,易言之即現行公害糾紛若不是具急毒性,要舉證其公害糾紛與居民員工身體健康受到危害之因果關係,有相當大的困難度。在文獻回顧中,藉由美國相關環境法規探討,印證國內法規之健全性。另外,從民法探討損害賠償制度演進趨勢,得知未來必須針對環保糾紛另外訂定相關特別法規。 另外,賠償金額則在研究方法中根據虛擬案例受損害之模型提出賠償金額請求。環境議題的評價過程就必須研討制度經濟學探討的外部性,藉由不同於過去會計成本之思維接觸經濟成本,衍生出非市場財貨的價值衡量方法談環境資源價值評估之邏輯思維探討。本研究亦運用寇氏定理協商後價格再利用機會成本模式中的損害函數法計算賠償金額。


This thesis discussed the environmental compensation system in modern countries, when the environmental nuisance was coped with the economic growth. For example, the Taiwan RCA events, which discharged hazardous waste chemicals into the underground in Taoyuan City, caused the increase risk of ex-workers’ cancers. After the long-run law suit defense, the court judged the compensation fees of more than a half billion to the ex-workers. At last, the justice had been served. The key word to explain the event is causality. This study utilized an air pollution scenario to discuss the environmental compensation. The methodology included qualitative and quantitative dimensions. The former was based on the view of law to find the related environmental legislations and laws. Is there the environmental right defined in the legislations and laws? How to handle the public nuisance disputes when the environmental events in Taiwan currently? First, the literature review was employed to survey the related environmental laws, following the survey of civil laws, especially the special tort. If the environmental event was not related to the acute toxicity, the handling of public nuisance disputes was focused on the proof of evidence by the victims. The history of US environmental legislations and laws were also reviewed in order to support the development of the handling of environmental nuisance disputes in Taiwan. On the other hand, the compensation fees were also estimated employing a scenario case study. It is obvious the valuation of compensation fees should base on the theorem of economics, e.g. Coase theorem. Environmental externality is a main issue in the economic discussion. The valuation methods of environmental externality were also discussed in this study.


2. 王澤鑑, 民法概要,增訂四版, 2011。
1. Kubasek, N. K. and Brennan, B. A., The legal environment of business, 4th Ed..
3. 林健三, 環境保護法規, 第四版, 全威圖書。
4. 胡思聰, 環境保護優先的理念並未牴觸憲法, 行政院環保署。
