  • 學位論文


A Practical Approach of Wall-mold Removal for Existing RC Buildings in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張子修


摘要 台灣地處亞熱帶,秋冬乾冷、春夏濕熱的氣候條件,提供壁癌發生的絕佳環境,壁癌不但有礙觀瞻,且對居住者的生活品質及健康影響甚鉅。相關研究顯示,截至目前為止尚無根治壁癌的特效藥,且現有處理壁癌的工法,不但對居住者帶來不便,亦衍生營建廢料等問題。 本研究目的旨在採用樹酯黏著劑及樹酯白膠以25:1比例拌合,做為施工材料,探討簡易處理的方式解決粉刷表面壁癌問題的可行性。透過材料防水試驗及案例實作,得到以下結論: 1.本研究選用之施工材料對壁體滲水、壁癌防治具有成效。 2.材料塗抹位置會影響滲水、壁癌防治效果,其中以壁體內外部都塗抹及塗抹壁體內部以對抗正水壓效果最佳。 3.在低潮濕環境下,對個案牆面採本研究材料,施以超過1 mm粉刷厚度,對壁癌防治具有高度成效。 4.在高潮濕環境環境下,對個案牆面採本研究材料,施以超過2 mm粉刷厚度,對壁癌防治亦具有成效。


表面防水 黏著劑 壁癌處理


ABSTRACT Taiwan is located in the subtropics, with dry and cold autumn and winter and hot and humid spring and summer climate conditions, providing an excellent environment for wall cancer. Wall cancer is not only unsightly, but also has a huge impact on the quality of life and health of residents. Relevant research shows that up to now, there is no cure for wall cancer, and the existing construction methods to deal with wall cancer not only cause inconvenience to residents, but also generate construction waste and other problems. The purpose of this study was to use resin adhesive and resin white glue in a ratio of 25:1 as a construction material to explore the feasibility of simple treatment to solve the problem of stucco surface wall cancer. Through the material waterproofing test and case implementation, the following conclusions are obtained: 1. The construction materials selected in this study are effective in preventing wall seepage and wall cancer. 2. The application position of the material will affect the effect of water seepage and wall cancer prevention. Among them, the inside and outside of the wall are applied and the inside of the wall is applied to resist the positive water pressure. 3. In a low-humidity environment, the research materials on the wall of the case are applied with a thickness of more than 1 mm, which is highly effective in preventing and curing wall cancer. 4. In a high-humidity environment, using the research materials on the wall of the case and applying a thickness of more than 2 mm to the wall will also be effective in preventing and curing wall cancer.


【1】張茂隆(2008)。訂定加速水泥砂漿白華形成實驗。國立雲林科技大學,碩士論文,斗六市。取自: https://hdl.handle.net/11296/93f5gb
【2】梁哲瑋(2017)。以樹酯抑制壁癌對水泥砂漿性質影響。國立雲林科技大學,碩士論文,斗六市。取自: https://hdl.handle.net/11296/r5mxt8
,碩士論文,斗六市。取自: https://hdl.handle.net/11296/sz4337
