  • 學位論文


A Study on the Role Conflicts and Teaching Effectiveness of Preschool Educators Enrolled in In-service Master’s Programs

指導教授 : 曹俊德


本研究旨在瞭解在職進修碩士班教保服務人員角色衝突與教學效能現況,比較不同背景變項在職進修碩士班教保服務人員角色衝突與教學效能之差異,並探討兩者間的關係。 研究對象為臺灣地區103~108學年度在職進修碩士班之教保服務人員,採研究者自編之「在職進修碩士班教保服務人員角色衝突與教學效能調查問卷」,依據臺灣北、中、南、東區教保服務人員之比例,分層隨機抽樣,於109年5月發出800份正式問卷,實得有效問卷403份,有效問卷回收率為50.3%,使用描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關等統計方法進行分析。研究結果如下: 壹、在職進修碩士班教保服務人員角色衝突方面 一、在職進修碩士班教保服務人員角色衝突感受為中等程度,其中以「進修角色衝突」的感受度最高,「家庭角色衝突」居次,「工作角色衝突」為第三。 二、不同幼兒園性質、年齡、服務年資之在職進修碩士班教保服務人員角色衝突有顯著差異;不同地區、幼兒園規模、性別、婚姻狀況、居住狀況、子女數、擔任職務、進修時段之在職進修碩士班教保服務人員角色衝突未達顯著差異。 貳、在職進修碩士班教保服務人員教學效能方面 一、在職進修碩士班教保服務人員教學效能為中上程度,其中以「教學互動」層面表現最好。 二、不同性別之在職進修碩士班教保服務人員教學效能「教學計劃」層面有顯著差異;不同地區、幼兒園性質、幼兒園規模、年齡、服務年資、婚姻狀況、居住狀況、子女數、擔任職務、進修時段之在職進修碩士班教保服務人員教學效能未達顯著差異。 參、在職進修碩士班教保服務人員角色衝突與教學效能兩者之關係方面 整體在職進修碩士班教保服務人員角色衝突與教學效能呈現弱相關。


The purpose of this study is to understand the current situation of role conflicts and teaching effectiveness of preschool educators enrolled in in-service Master’s programs, to compare the differences in role conflicts and teaching effectiveness of preschool educators enrolled in in-service Master’s programs in different demographic variables, and to explore relationship between them. The subjects in this study include the preschool educators currently enrolled in one of the 2014-2019 school year in-service Master’s programs. The questionnaire survey method was used with a specifically designed "questionnaire on role conflicts and teaching effectiveness of preschool educators enrolled in in-service Master’s programs." Based on a stratified random sampling, a total of 800 questionnaires were distributed in May 2020, and 403 valid copies were retrieved, with the effective questionnaire retrieval rate of 50.3%. Descriptive statistics, independent sample t tests, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson Product-Moment Correlation were used for analysis. The research findings are as follows: I. Role Conflicts of preschool educators enrolled in in-service Master’s programs 1. The level of perception of role conflicts by preschool educators enrolled in in-service Master’s programs is medium, in which "student identity role conflict" is the strongest, followed by "family role conflict" and "work role conflict." 2. Factors including "type of kindergarten,” "age,” and "years of service" registered significant impact on role conflicts for preschool educators enrolled in in-service post-graduate Master’s programs; while factors including “location,” “size of kindergarten,” “gender,” “marital status,” “residential situation,” “with/without children,” “job position,” and “class schedule” didn’t show significant impact on the role conflicts. II Teaching effectiveness of the preschool educators enrolled in in-service Master’s programs 1. The teaching effectiveness of the preschool educators enrolled in in-service Master’s programs showed good teaching effectiveness, with "interactive teaching" topping the performance chart. 2. " Gender " has a significant impact on the teaching effectiveness of the preschool educators enrolled in in-service Master’s programs; while " location,” "type of kindergarten,” "size of kindergarten,” "age,” "years of service,” "marital status,” "residential situation,” "with/without children,” " Job position,” and "class schedule" showed no significant impact on the teaching effectiveness of the preschool educators enrolled in in-service Master’s programs. III The relationship between the role conflicts and teaching effectiveness of preschool educators enrolled in in-service Master’s programs There is an insignificant correlation between role conflicts and teaching effectiveness of preschool educators enrolled in in-service Master’s programs.


