  • 學位論文


A Study of Indicators of Environmental Accreditation for Construction Engineering Sites–A Case of Taichung City

指導教授 : 林盛隆


營建工程為逸散性空氣污染來源之一,近年來各縣市政府皆積極提升粒狀污染物之削減率及執行營建工程優良工地環保評鑑作業,對於臺中市營建工程之評鑑項目主要為空氣污染及噪音防制、水污染防制、廢棄(土)物處理、垃圾分類及資源回收、環境衛生與綠美化等五項指標,本研究目的是為了評估目前評鑑指標項目進行資料縮減及建議新權重排序分配。並利用臺中市績優環保工地評比計分表進行現場田野調查,彙整資料後採用SPSS12統計軟體進行因素分析,依據各細項指標之相關程度重新進行綜合因素命名,最後採用熵值權重法求出各環保評鑑項目權重順序。 研究結果顯示綜合指標權重依序為「環境意識指標」47.0%、「路面清潔及水污染防制指標」13.4%、「廢棄物及建材處理指標」6.2%、「粉塵防制指標」3.4%。調查過程中評鑑項目「環境意識指標」為各營建工地間評分差異較大之項目,調查內容主要為節能措施與環境綠美化作為,顯示營建工地除了遵守相關法令規範外,對於工地環境自主管理的表現成果,為目前營建工程環保評鑑必須著重考量因素之一,本研究之計分表可提供相關單位參考與修正,並為目前營建工程環境污染防制提升項目之參考依據。


One of the sources of the scattered air pollution is construction engineering. In recent years, the city and county governments all actively promoted the reduction rate of the particulate pollutants and excecuted the job of the ecxellent site in the construction engineering. Regarding the environmental evaluation project of the construction engineering in Taichung City, the five indicators mainly guard against the air pollution and noise control, water pollution control, waste (soil) material processing, trash classification and the resources recycling, the environmental sanitation and the green beautification and so on. The purpose of the research is to assess the current evaluation indicators projects to carry on the data reduction and the proposed new rights allocation. And using Taichung City, merit environmental site appraisal scoring table to conduct on-site fieldwork. After aggregates the entire material, adopts the SPSS12 statistics software to carry on the factor analysis. Based on the of each itemized indicators of relevance to carry on the comprehensive factor renaming. Finally, using the entropy weight(value) method calculated the important order of the environmental evaluation project. The results show the composite indicators (value) is in order of”the environmental awareness indicators 47.0%”, “the road surface cleaning and water pollution control indicators 13.4%”, “ reject and building materials processing indicators 6.2% and 3.4% of the dust prevention indicators”. The investigation content mainly took for the energy conservation measure and the environment green beautification that demonstrated the construction site besides to compliance with the relevant laws, self-management of the site environment performance results is one of the considerations that the current construction project environmental evaluation must focus on. In this study, the scoring table may provide the correlation unit reference and the revision, and upgrading project for construction projects of environmental pollution control reference.


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