  • 學位論文


Organic waste microbial fuel cell for electricity and microbial electrolysis cell for hydrogen

指導教授 : 羅煌木 劉敏信


中文摘要 對於廢棄物排放量逐年遞增,加上原物料上漲及環保意識,其在處理及資源化方面,將朝向資源化潛力發展,如廚餘、下水道污泥與畜牧業之糞便等。有機廢棄物經厭氧處理,藉由微生物分解有機物轉化為電能及氫能,但以固體廢棄物之研究甚少,因此,將模擬都市固體廢棄物配製合成垃圾 (Synthetic MSW) 作為微生物燃料電池 (Microbial fuel cell, MFC) 與微生物電解電池 (Microbial electrolysis cell, MEC) 之基質,探討本實驗篩選產氫菌之最佳生長環境因子與產氫效率,並馴化微生物燃料電池之藻類,作為微生物電解電池之電力來源,評估整體功率與藻類產油量之相關性。 單槽式微生物電解電池工作體積4公升,進料量依固體物停留時間 (Solid retention time, SRT) 20天為200 mL d-1合成垃圾基質,出料之消化產物進行各項參數分析;結果顯示,在不同電壓 (0 V、0.3 V、0.6 V、0.9 V, Cathode PEM) 與不同電極 (0.6 V, Cathode PEM、MEA) 操作條件下,累積產氣量以0.9 V 之陰極PEM (0.9V Cathode PEM) 與0.6 V之MEA (0.6V MEA) 為最佳條件,分別是40,050 mL與57,800 mL,在pH 5.4 ~ 6.0、ORP -200 ~ -300 mV與EC 0.74 ~ 1.65 mS cm-1的環境因子,每克VS可獲得最大產氣量80 ~ 85 mL g-1VS;並以不同預處理方式篩選厭氧污泥,找尋適合合成垃圾基質之操作條件,且提高氫氣純度,其中以酸篩條件氫氣濃度可高達57.20 %,其次為未處理41.90 %,證實當pH 在4 ~ 5之間呈現酸化現象可有效抑制甲烷菌,且提高氫氣純度。 雙槽式微生物燃料電池工作體積各為1.5公升,陽極依固體物停留時間20天計算進料量為75 mL d-1,出料之消化產物比照微生物電解電池參數分析,陰極以藻類生成氧氣作為電子接受者,並分析藻類油脂含量,且將兩種反應槽串聯 (Algae MFC - MEC),以微生物燃料電池電力供給微生物電解電池產氫 (MEA);結果顯示,串聯後可提高電壓0.84 V、功率密度5.46mW m-2及油脂量430.5 mg g-1,但因電阻累加而降低電流密度為24.3 mA m-2;在Algae MFC - MEC產能效率方面,電子還原效率與氫氣還原效率最高可達到8.41 % 與6.15 %,而庫倫效率為28.68 %,略低於以電源供應器供給電力之反應槽,但與施加0.6 V, Cathode PEM相比,氫氣純度明顯差相10 %,每克VS可獲得最大產氫量為101.9 mL-H2 g-1VS。


Abstract In this study, organic waste was used to investigate microbial electrolysis cell (MEC, 4 L) and microbial fuel cell (MFC, 1.5 L) for electricity, hydrogen and biofuel production. This study was divided into three parts, the first part investigated the different voltage (0, 0.3, 0.6 and 0.9 V) for optimal biogas production. Biogas accumulation of 0, 0.3, 0.6 and 0.9 V was found to be 34,000, 35,050, 37,500 and 40,050 mL respectively. The coulombic efficiency was also found to be 6.23, 11.94, 16.30 and 37.74% respectively. It was found that 0.6 V was suitable for biogas production. MFC could produce 0.89 voltage (V) and algal oil (biofuel) 430.5 mg g-1. MEC could produce hydrogen of 101.9 mL-H2 g-1VS. Internal resistance of traditional plates (4,000 - 6,000 Ω) allocation was found to decrease to be 400 - 600 Ω in the MEA allocation. Biogas accumulation and coulombic efficiency of traditional plates and MEA allocation reached 21,100 and 57,800 mL and 15.48 and 28.68% respectively. The maximum power density and algae oil content were found to be 36.67 mA m-2 and 109.8 ~ 430.5 mg g-1 respectively. Biogas composition from MEC with MEA allocation was analyzed to be H2 8.44%, CH4 41.59% and CO2 49.97% at VS 3.64 - 4.69%. The maximum hydrogen production is 101.9 mL-H2 g-1. The electron reduction efficiency (Ee) and hydrogen reduction efficiency (EH) reached 8.41% and 6.15% respectively which was slightly lower than those in the literatures.


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邱薰瑩(2016)。以都市有機固體廢棄物作為基質之 微生物燃料電池產電研究〔博士論文,朝陽科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0078-1108201714033274
