  • 學位論文


Applying Data Mining to Target Marketing for 3G Mobile Internet Access Users

指導教授 : 楊燕珠


台灣2G行動電話系統客戶數已正式於2009年第一季被3G用戶數超過(資策會FIND 2009/05) ,宣告3G通信時代已經來臨。從歐洲、日本、亞洲到美國,電信業者為了彌補逐年下滑的語音通話營收,不得不轉而開拓數據營收市場。電信業的語音服務市場已成熟、競爭激烈,數據營收市場成為兵家必爭之地,若可成功利用3G行動上網和各類加值應用服務,來吸引以通話為主的2G用戶轉換升級成3G用戶,將是影響3G用戶成長的關鍵點。 有鑑於此,本研究選定今日電信市場上最活絡的3G行動上網與行動加值服務使用之客戶為研究對象,分析行動上網與各類行動加值服務之間關係,以資料探勘的方法,藉由類神經網路中自組織特徵映射(Self-Organizing feature Map, SOM),分析客戶之使用記錄,予以分群,積極掌握既有客戶特性,找出客戶使用服務特徵,應用於目標行銷客戶(Target Marketing)的挑選與建議,並可對新客戶預測其可能的使用族群。此外,針對顧客價值較高的目標族群,探勘其最常使用的3G行動加值服務之間的關聯規則,以進行有效率的行銷。 經由本研究的分析除提供最符合客戶需求的訊息與產品建議,開發符合顧客3G上網使用服務的資費方案,並可建立真正的企業商業智慧(Business Intelligence),主動積極建立目標行銷模型,傳達企業新資訊與客戶使用服務之建議方案,強化與顧客之間的信賴與互動關係,達到滿足舊客戶、開拓新市場的雙贏目標。


Taiwan 2G mobile phone system customer number the first season has been surpassed in 2009 by the 3G number of users (capital plan to meet officially FIND 2009/05), announced that the 3G era has arrived. From Europe, Japan, Asia to the US, telecommunication operator to make up the pronunciation telephone conversation earning which slides year by year, can not but transfer develops the data earning market. The telecommunications voice service market mature, the competition has been intense, the data earning market becomes the military commander land that must fight for, if may succeed uses the 3G motion surfer and each kind of valued-add service, attracts talks over the telephone the 2G user transformation primarily to promote the 3G user, affects the key point which the 3G user grows. This research by data mining method, because of the kind of nerve network from the organization characteristic mapping model (Self-Organizing feature Map, SOM), of note for use the analysis customer, hives off, and forecast that the customer use behavior, grasps positively already has the customer characteristic, discovers the customer use service characteristic, applies in the goal marketing customer choice and the suggestion. In the research designated that today in the telecommunication market the most detachable 3G mobile accesses the net and moves adds customer of the value-added service use is the object of study, the analysis motion surfer adds between the value service with each kind of motion to relate, discovers the 3G motion surfer to add goal of customer the value with each kind of motion (Target Marketing) the group, carries on effectiveness the marketing. Eliminates provides conforms to the customer demand news and the product suggested that and may establish the true enterprise commercial wisdom (Business Intelligence). No longer is only relies on degree of contribution of height the customer to carry on the market area to separate the marketing, but is initiative establishes the goal marketing model positively, suggestion of plan the transmission enterprise recent information and the customer use service, strengthens with customer's between faith and the interactive relations, achieves satisfies the old customer, to develop the new market the win-win goal.


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