  • 學位論文


Breastfeeding Self-efficacy of Primipara and Multipara and the Aaffecting Factors

指導教授 : 鐘淑英


初產婦與經產婦母乳哺餵之自我效能及其影響因素 摘 要 母乳哺餵養育健康的下一代,然而產婦選擇母乳哺餵及母乳哺餵持續時間受到很多因素影響,母乳哺餵自我效能(breastfeeding self-efficacy)可以代表產婦有能力哺餵母乳給嬰兒的自信心指標。故本研究旨在探討初產婦與經產婦母乳哺餵自我效能及其影響因素。採橫斷性研究及立意取樣,以產後婦女為研究對象,於台中兩間區域醫院之產後病房為研究場所。使用結構性問卷,包括基本屬性、產後憂鬱、社會支持、母乳哺餵自我效能短版(breastfeeding self-efficacy scale short form,簡稱BSES-SF)。於民國106年6~9月收案238名有效樣本,所收集之資料以SPSS 19.00 for Windows統計軟體進行分析。結果顯示全體研究對象BSES-SF得分平均為44.45±12.74分,屬於中上程度;經產婦之BSES-SF得分高於初產婦(p<.001)。基本屬性中以胎次、過去純母乳哺餵經驗、選擇24小時親子同室、住院期間哺餵方式、預計母乳哺餵持續時間等項目,與BSES-SF達顯著差異(p < .001)。產後憂鬱與BSES-SF呈負相關(r= -.33 ,p< .001);社會支持-表現頻率(r = .49,p < .001)、社會支持-幫助程度(r = .45,p < .001)與BSES-SF呈正相關。基本屬性、產後憂鬱及社會支持為產後婦女母乳哺餵自我效能的影響因素,迴歸模式解釋變異量達60%以上。本研究結果影響產後婦女母乳哺餵自我效能之因素,能提供臨床護理人員教導產婦母乳哺餵指引之參考。關鍵字: 母乳哺餵自我效能、初產婦、經產婦、影響因素


Breastfeeding self-efficacy of primipara and multipara and the affecting factors Abstract Breastfeeding makes babies healthier. However, mother’s choosing breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding are influenced by many factors. Breastfeeding self-efficacy is defined as the index of woman’s confidence in her ability to perform successful breastfeeding to baby. The study is to explore the breastfeeding self-efficacy of primipara and multipara and the affecting factors. A cross-sectional design and purposive sampling study was used. The postpartum women are the research objects. The two regional hospitals in Taichung were the study places. A structured questionnaire used included basic attributes, postpartum depression, social support, and breastfeeding self-efficacy scale short form (BSES-SF). Total subjects were 238 cases collected from June, 2017 to September, 2017. The data were analyzed by SPSS 19.0 for Windows statistic software. The results showed that mean BSES-SF score of all subjects was 44.45 ± 12.74 points, belonged to middle-high degree. The BSES-SF of multipara was higher than that of primipara (p <.001). In the basic attributes, There was statistically difference between labor times, breastfeeding experience, choosing a 24-hour rooming-in, feeding method during hospitalization, and planned exclusive breastfeeding time and BSES-SF (p <.001). The negative correlation was found between postpartum depression and BSES-SF (r = -.33, p <.001). Social support-performance frequency (r = .49, p <.001) and social support-help (r = .45, p <.001) were positively correlated with BSES-SF respectively. Basic attributes, postpartum depression, and social support were the affecting factors of BSES-SF for postpartum women, explained over 60% of the variance in the regression model. The results of this study, factors affecting BSES-SF of postpartum women, can make a reference for clinical nurses to teach breastfeeding guides to postpartum women. Keywords: breastfeeding self-efficacy, primipara, multipara, affecting factors


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