  • 學位論文


A Study of Teachers' Knowledge Management on Network Platform and Teaching Effectiveness in Taichung City Elementary School

指導教授 : 黃寶園


本研究旨在探討臺中市國民小學教師在網路平台知識管理與教學效能之現況及其相關,分析不同背景變項教師在網路平台知識管理及教學效能之差異並探究教師在網路平台知識管理與教學效能之相關。為達研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法進行,研究工具為研究者自編之「教師在網路平台知識管理調查問卷」與「教學效能調查問卷」,並以臺中市國民小學教師為研究對象,採分層立意抽樣方式發問卷至臺中市公立國民小學,一共發放問卷672份,收回有效問卷共620份,可用率為92.26%。資料以描述性統計、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關、多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料處理分析。研究結論如下: 一、臺中市國小教師在網路平台知識管理與教學效能現況良好。 二、臺中市國小教師知覺在網路平台知識管理會因性別、年齡、教育程度、教學年資、擔任職務、任教學校規模的不同而有所差異。 三、臺中市國小教師知覺教學效能會因教育程度的不同而有所差異。 四、教師在網路平台知識管理與教學效能有顯著正相關。 五、臺中市國小教師知覺其在網路平台知識管理,以「知識創新」對「教學效能」最具預測力。 六、臺中市國小教師知覺其在網路平台知識管理,其「知識分享」對「教學效能」具負向預測力。


The research was to explore a study of teachers'knowledge management on network platform and teaching effectiveness in Taichung City Elementary School, and to analyze the differences in teachers'knowledge management on network platform and teaching effectiveness of teachers from different backgrounds. Questionnaire survey was used in the study. The researcher developed a Questionnaire of teachers'knowledge management on network platform for Elementary School Teachers and a Questionnaire on Teaching Effectiveness. Participants in the study were selected through purposive sampling from elementary school teachers in Taichung City. A total number of 672 questionnaires were distributed to them, and 620 of them responded to the questionnaire with return rate 92.26%. The data collected from the questionnaire survey were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent-samples t-test, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), pearson correlation, and multiple regression analysis were used to investigate all the questions in the present study. Based on the data analyses, the conclusions are listed below: 1.The teachers' knowledge management on network platform and teaching effectiveness in Taichung City elementary school are on good level. 2.The differences among the perceptions of teachers' knowledge management on network platform are by gender, age, education levels, years of teaching, positions, and school size in Taichung City elementary school. 3.The differences among the perceptions of teachers' teaching effectiveness are by education levels in Taichung City elementary school. 4.There are significantly positive relations between the teachers' knowledge management on network platform and teaching effectiveness. 5.Knowledge innovation for the teachers' knowledge management on network platform are the best predictable of teaching effectiveness. 6.Knowledge sharing for the teachers' knowledge management on network platform are the predictable of negative teaching effectiveness.


