  • 學位論文


People’s Cognition of the Tourism Development in the Environmental Sensitive Area

指導教授 : 羅鳳恩


摘 要 高雄縣桃源鄉於擁有獨特的地質地形景觀,密集的溫泉蘊藏量,最豐富的觀光資源,2009年莫拉克颱風使該鄉受災嚴重、不但摧毀多條聯外道路,同時也破壞很多自然景觀,造成當地的觀光產業嚴峻的考驗。因該鄉為環境敏感地區、且以觀光業為主,而發展觀光旅遊又被視為提振經濟的主要方法之一。本研究目的如下:對天然災害所引發環境敏感地區的認知為何,災後民眾對當地觀光發展之想法和態度,以及是否有意願於災後的環境敏感地區再次觀光及消費。本研究以問卷調查為主要之資料蒐集工具,於2010年2月至4月以便利抽樣方式對一般民眾進行問卷調查,共發出450份,有效問卷402份,有效問卷率89.33﹪。 本研究結果如下: 一、 發展觀光旅遊對觀光地區所造成的影響前三名為更了解本地文化特色,增加就業機會,增加公共設施;後三名為增加與遊客的糾紛,對治安造成負面影響,增加犯罪及色情業。 二、 受訪民眾對造成敏感環境的原因認知之前三名為超抽地下水會造成地層下陷,土地過度開發,沒做好水土保持。 三、 受訪民眾對造成敏感環境地區原因之認知越認同,其對觀光發展環境負面影響認知也越認同。 四、 受訪民眾對桃源鄉於災後再發展觀光的態度之前三名為維護桃源鄉的古蹟或自然景觀、支持桃源鄉再發展觀光活動、桃源鄉有足夠發展觀光產業的潛力;其中有64.1%受訪民眾同意願意支持桃源鄉再發展觀光活動。 綜合以上可知,民眾普遍認同桃源鄉是有發展觀光的潛力,雖然受災嚴重卻也願意支持桃源鄉再發展觀光。建議政府重新劃分環境敏感地區,以便好好維護及復育桃源鄉豐富之觀光資源。 關鍵字: 莫拉克颱風、環境敏感地區、觀光發展、認知


觀光發展 環境敏感 土石流


ABSTRACT Taoyuan Township, locates at Kaohsiung County of Taiwan, contains special geomorphologic Landscape, abundant hot springs and tourism resources. August the August 7th Typhoon caused serious damages in 2009. Because roads connecting Taoyuan Township and other major city and natural scenery at Taoyuan Township are destroyed, tourism businesses decline a lot. Tourism is the major industry at Taoyuan Township; unfortunately it is an environmental sensitive area. Since tourism development is one of the major industries to increase residents’ economics. The reasons to cause the environmental sensitive area, people’s cognition of the tourism development in the environmental sensitive area, and people’s wiliness to travel Taoyuan Township are the objects of this research. Four hundred and fifty people were selected in this cross-sectional, descriptive study by using a structured questionnaire. Four hundred and two valid data were used to analyze as the results, the valid corresponding rate was 89.33 %. The surveys were conducted during the period of February to April, 2010. The results of this study were the followings: 1. The top three selections of tourism impacts are to realize domestic cultural characteristics, to increase job opportunities, and build more public utilizations. The last three selections are to more to problems between tourists and residents, to disturb local peace, and to increase more sins and eroticism. 2. The top three reasons to cause the environmental sensitive areas are to over-pump groundwater to cause ground subsidence, to over-develop land, and not to well-conserve soil and water. 3. The more agree the reasons to cause the environmental sensitive areas, the more agree the negative environmental impacts of tourism developments. 4. The top three selections of re-develop tourism at Taoyuan Township are to maintain the heritages and natural landscapes, to support the activities of tourism developments, and to have more tourism development potentialities. In addition, there are 64.1 % of surveyed people’s promises to support re-develop tourism at Taoyuan Township. According to the results, people agree that there are many tourism development potentialities. Although serious damages caused by typhoon, people will support re-develop tourism at Taoyuan Township. We would like to suggest that Governments should re-plan the environmental sensitive area to maintain and recover tourism development resources at Taoyuan Township. Keyword: the August 7th Typhoon caused in 2009, environmental sensitive area, cognition


江香樺、顏家芝 (2003)。北投居民對觀光再發展影響之認知與態度研究。觀光研究學報,10(1),39-61。
