  • 學位論文


Cross-strait Comparison of the Relationship Between Leisure Lifestyle and Well-being of Elderly in Urban Parks

指導教授 : 湯幸芬 曾喜鵬


人口老齡化已成為全球普遍現象,因此,了解銀髮族如何成功變老是富裕社會應正視的面向,同時相關文獻均證實參與休閒能促進健康,而生活方式與資源環境不同,休閒機會亦受影響,因此探討與比較同樣面臨人口老化問題的台灣與大陸,了解銀髮族休閒生活型態、幸福感程度及其關係成為本研究主要目的。研究以台灣台中市及大陸福建省福州市兩市類似等級的都市公園之銀髮族使用者為對象,以結構式問卷進行便利抽樣調查收集資料,共取得有效樣本數564份(台灣279份,大陸285份),資料利用SPSS統計套裝軟體進行描述性分析、卡方分析、因素分析、集群分析與單因子變異數分析。 研究結果如下:一、台灣地區銀髮族休閒生活型態可分成「心靈休閒型」、「外顯休閒型」與「認真休閒型」;大陸地區則為「低涉入休閒型」、「活動社交休閒型」、「認真休閒型」三種類型,兩地皆具有「認真休閒型」,顯示不論休閒環境與機會的情況如何,均有部分銀髮族群熱衷且愛好休閒。二、兩岸銀髮族之幸福感內涵亦有所差異,台灣包含「快樂生活性」及「理解生命性」;大陸地區為「幸福整體性」及「體驗生活性」。三、台灣地區「認真休閒型」的銀髮族,其「快樂生活性」與「理解生命性」的幸福感程度均強,而「心靈休閒型」均最弱;大陸地區則是「活動社交休閒型」的銀髮族,其「幸福整體性」與「體驗生活性」 的幸福感程度均強,而「低涉入休閒型」均最弱。本研究最後並提出若干銀髮族參與休閒活動與提升幸福感之建議。


Ageing of population has been a common phenomenon around the world. The understanding on how to make the elderly getting old successfully becomes an issue people have to face with in a prosperity society. Related researches have demonstrated the effects of leisure participation on health improvement. Furthermore, leisure opportunity could be constrained according to different life style and resources available. Hence, the purpose of the study is to analyze the extent and relationship between leisure life style and well-beings of the elderly, as well as to compare Taiwan with China which are now facing with population ageing problems. The elderly of the urban park users in Taichung city, Taiwan, and Fuchou city, Fujian Province, China, was selected as target for empirical analysis. 564 valid samples (279 of Taiwan, 285 of Fujian) were obtained by convenience sampling with structured questionnaire. The data was analyzed by SPSS with descriptive statistics, Chi-square analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis, and one-way ANOVA analysis. The results are as follows: 1.For Taiwan, three clusters were obtained and named as “spirit-oriented leisure life style”, “revealed leisure life style”, and “serious leisure life style”. As to China, there are also three clusters found, which were named as “low involvement leisure life style”, “social network leisure life style”, and “serious leisure life style”. There are the elderly of “serious leisure style” both in Taiwan and China; 2. The perceptions of well-beings of the cross-straight elderly are also different. For Taiwan, the well-beings of the elderly consists two dimensions as “happiness of life” and “understanding of life”. As to China, the well-beings also consists two dimensions: “universality of well-beings” and “experiencing life”. 3. The Taiwanese elderly of “serious leisure style” perceived higher level of “happiness of life” and “understanding of life”, and “spirit-oriented leisure life style” is the least. The Chinese elderly of “social network leisure life style” perceived the highest level of “universality of well-beings” and “experiencing life”, and “low involvement leisure life style” is the least. The study finally provides some suggestions regarding leisure participation and enhance well-being for the elderly.




