  • 學位論文


The application of online broken calculator in number sense instruction for fourth graders

指導教授 : 施淑娟 郭伯臣


本研究的主要目的是探討「線上壞鍵計算機融入教學」,對四年級學生「數感」與「線上壞鍵計算機估算評量」解題表現的影響,以及學生在線上壞鍵計算機估算評量中所使用的答題策略分析。為達成研究目的,研究者根據數感五向度,編製出適合四年級學生的「線上整數數感測驗」,並使用電腦化數感多元評量系統中的「線上壞鍵計算機估算評量」進行教學設計與評量,接著以準實驗設計之不等組前後測設計進行教學實驗,最後依據壞鍵計算機融入教學組與傳統教學組學生在「線上整數數感測驗」及「線上壞鍵計算機估算評量」上的表現,分析「線上壞鍵計算機融入教學」對學生整數數感解題表現的影響。 本研究之研究結果如下: 一、線上壞鍵計算機融入教學較傳統教學更能有效提升學生整體的數感能力。 二、在數感五向度中的「瞭解數字的意義和關係的能力」、「瞭解運算對數字的 意義和影響的能力」、「發展計算策略與判斷答案合理性的能力」、「以多 重方式表徵數字的能力」部分,壞鍵計算機融入教學較傳統教學具有更佳的 提升效果,但在「比較數字相對大小的能力」部分,兩組則無顯著差異。 三、線上壞鍵計算機融入教學對高分組與低分組學生皆能有效提升其整數數感 能力。 四、線上壞鍵計算機融入教學較傳統教學更能有效提升學生在「線上壞鍵計算機 估算評量」中的表現。 五、在「線上壞鍵計算機估算評量」中的加法與減法測驗部份,壞鍵計算機融入 教學組之解題表現顯著優於傳統教學組,乘法與除法測驗部份則無顯著差異。 六、線上壞鍵計算機融入教學對高分組與低分組學生皆能有效提昇其在「線上壞 鍵計算機估算評量」中的解題表現。 七、「線上壞鍵計算機估算評量」的答題反應大致可分為「答對-上下夾擠」、 「答對-遞增調整」、「答對-遞減調整」、「答對-先增後減或先減後增」、 「答錯-上下夾擠」、「答錯-遞增調整」、「答錯-遞減調整」七種調整策 略。 八、在「線上壞鍵計算機估算評量」加減乘除四種類型答對的答題反應中,皆以一次答對的比例最高;在有進行調整的部份,使用最多的調整策略是上下夾擠。而答錯的答題反應中,也以無調整的比例最高;在有進行調整的部份,使用最多的調整策略亦是上下夾擠。 九、比較壞鍵計算機融入教學組的「線上壞鍵計算機估算評量」前測與後測之答 題反應發現,一次答對的比例增加,無條理的猜測比例降低。


The purpose of this research is to explore the influence of integrating instruction with online broken calculator in number sense and online broken calculator estimate assessment for fourth graders, and to analyze the answering strategies. According to the five dimensions of number sense, the researcher programd “online number sense test” which fits fourth graders, and used the online broken calculator estimate assessment to proceed the design of instruction and assessment, then used quasi-experimental design to proceed the instruction experiment. At last, according to the performance of experimental group and control group, the researcher analyzed the influence of integrating instruction with online broken calculator in number sense for pupils. The results of this research are as followings: 1.Integrating instruction with online broken calculator is more effective than traditional instruction in promoting the whole ability of number sense for pupils. 2.In the five dimensions of number sense, integrating instruction with online broken calculator is more effective than traditional instruction in promoting the ability of “understanding the number meanings and relationships,” “understanding the relative effect of operations on numbers,” “developing computational strategies and being able to judge their reasonableness,” and “ability to represent numbers in multiple ways.” However, it is not more effective in the ability of “recognizing the magnitude of numbers.” 3.Integrating instruction with online broken calculator is effective in promoting the whole ability of number sense for both higher group and lower group pupils. 4.Integrating instruction with online broken calculator is more effective than traditional instruction in promoting the problem solving performance of online broken calculator estimate assessment for pupils. 5.In the addition test and subtraction test of online broken calculator estimate assessment, integrating instruction with online broken calculator is more remarkable than traditional instruction in promoting the performance, but there is no remarkable differences in the multiplication test and division test. 6.Integrating instruction with online broken calculator is effective in promoting the problem solving performance of online broken calculator estimate assessment for both higher group and lower group pupils. 7.There are seven adjustment strategies in the answering resposes of online broken calculator estimate assessment. 8.In the right responses of online broken calculator estimate assessment, the proportion of answering question right with one time is the highest among all of them. In the right responses with adjustment strategies, the proportion of the sandwich style is the highest among all of them. In the wrong responses of online broken calculator estimate assessment, the proportion of answering question wrong with one time is the highest among all of them. In the wrong responses with adjustment strategies, the proportion of the sandwich style is also the highest among all of them. 9.Comparing the pretest and post-test responses of online broken calculator estimate assessment for experimental group, the findings are that the proportion of answering question right with one time increased and the proportion of guessing with incoherence reduced. Key words: number sense, online broken calculator, the four fundamental operations of arithmetic


