

基因是決定生物遺傳性狀的單位, 亦是製造蛋白質訊息產生生理作用的基礎,而近年來基因醫學資訊科技之快速發展與應用, 改變對疾病之基本認識,因而增加對疾病原因之機轉暸解,提高疾病之治癒率,所以基因導向醫學漸成為21世紀醫學之新主流。 中醫藥之未來趨勢,首先要建立中醫藥量化,同時應符合中醫藥基礎理論,中醫的「證型」與中葉之「五味」 、「四氣」、「七情」、「歸經」等, 利用生物科技的基礎, 從分子基因上,研究中醫藥對基因表現之調控,建立中醫藥的微觀表述,使中醫藥現代化;故以目前的生物科技趨勢,藉由基因相關技衛來使中醫藥成為世界上一流的生命科學,迎頭趕上基因醫學的時代,為必要且刻不容緩的事。


中醫藥 基因 生物科技


Gene was a unit genetic trait, and was on the basis of produced protein series and physiological reaction. Recently, Development and application of gene technology converted the basic ideas to disease into the mechanism knowledge caused disease. Accordingly, the medicine of gene direction is becoming the main current of the twenty - first century by degrees. Quantitative traditional chinese medicine built and matched foundational theory of traditional chinese medicine was a trend in the future. Hence, utilizing foundational biotechnology to explore gene express in traditional chinese medicinal syndrome and chinese herbal medicinal such as five directions, four properties, and meridian distribution could establish subjection of chinese medicine from molecular level. It would be contributed to the modernization of chinese medicine. As a result, it demand immediate attention that using correlative technology of gene in chinese medicine become the first - class biotics on the world.


Chinese medicine Gene Biotechnology

