  • 期刊


Study on the Tongue Diagnosis of Chinese Medicine in Upper Gastroenteric disorder with Hiliobacter Pyloric Infection


最近有關於舌診與幽門螺旋桿茵的研究指出舌苔與幽門桿菌感染有密切關係,但這些研究是以傳統望診方式在自然光下進行,無法對觀察結果加以量化。本研究是利用電腦架構,先問有關診資料與主訴,辨證分型後,配合做內視鏡持人,在檢查前做舌診資料收集後,以影色數位相機及紅外線熱像儀拍攝舌面影像,取得舌像再做內視鏡槍查及做CIo test(檢驗的HP反應試驗)。全案收集118人,結果發現上消化道疾病感染HP之病人,舌溫度比非感染者低。舌溫對消化道有無感染HP 之差異無臨床意義,但在中醫辨證分型上對舌尖與舌左側有差異表示辨證論治在中醫臨床上有存在必要。


Recently, the relative research with tongued diagnosis and HP examination mentioned that the tongued surface is correlated to the HP infection. However, these researches were processed under natural light by traditional assessing method. It could not quantify the observing result. This study was used the computer structure. First. requested the tongue diagnostic information and major description, then divided into different types. Combination of the endoscope patients to collect tongue diagnostic information before examination, process with color digital camera film. then process endoscope examination and Clo test (the HP examination test). This research has collected 118 patients. After the data analysis. the result shows that temperature from the patients with gastroenteric disorder and infected HP is lower than non-infected HP. The average temperature at the center of tongue is significant. It suggested that the temperature of tongue reflects the function of gastroenteric system. Therefore, identification of syndrome is necessary in Chinese tranditional mdeicine.
