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Discussion on the Treatment of Asthma by Chinese Medicine from Invigorating the Kidney


慢性氣喘患者常會內分泌改變和免疫功能異常產生發作。 氣喘過敏性、變態反應中,過程分爲致敏、發敏、效應三個階段。 初期氣喘,皆因氣管腫脹發炎,管壁變得沒有彈性,管徑也變得狹窄,進出的空氣量變少,造成肺泡氧氣不足(如小孩細支氣管炎),病人因此缺氧性胸悶。發炎的氣管壁增加分泌物尤其是慢性化(中醫稱爲痰飲),刺激肺部黏膜引起咳嗽。 中醫治喘首先辨證要詳盡,問診要詳細,一定要問病人如動靜之間有無氣喘變化,有無寒熱,起病是否突發與久發,從而區別證候虛實,探知病位。 病久身體已經致敏化,要從根本上改善身體的致敏狀態,必須用補腎法,取得根本上療效。慢性化氣喘的治療處理在中醫的角色主要是腎的調整。


Chronic asthma patient often suffers from the endocrine change and abnormal immune function. In the abnormal reaction of allergic asthma, it is divided into three stages, such as allergy occurrence, allergy development, and allergy effect. The initial stage asthma is caused by swelling and inflammation of trachea. The tube wall has no elasticity. The tube diameter also becomes narrow. There is less air quantity passed in and out, which causes the shortage of oxygen in alveolus (such as the bronchitis of children), the patient will feel chest tightness due to shortage of oxygen. The inflamed trachea wall will increase the secretion chronically (it is called the phlegm drunk in Chinese Medicine), and stimulate the lung mucous membrane to cause the cough. As for the treatment of asthma by Chinese Medicine, the syndrome and diagnosis shall be detail at first. Make sure to ask the patient whether there is any asthma change, fever and chill, whether the disease is developed suddenly, in order to distinguish the actual situation and find out the disease location. If the disease lasts long time, the organism has already caused the allergy, and it shall improve the allergic state of the organism fundamentally. The kidney invigoration shall be used to get the curative effect essentially. The treatment of chronic asthma in Chinese Medicine is mainly the adjustment of kidney.
