  • 期刊


Research on Improving Children's Aesthetic and Emotional Experience-An Example of Designing Art Teaching Aids Inspired by Po Yu Bird by Max Liu




This study applied Max Liu's creative concept and image performance of Po Yu Bird series of paintings to design a set of hands-on art teaching aids for children that could not only facilitate aesthetic and affective education, but also be viewed, touched and creatively arranged. Research Goals: First, the study explored and elaborated the design concept and process of utilizing Max Liu's Po Yu Bird series in creating art teaching aids for young children; second, the study evaluated the effectiveness of the art teaching aids on improving children's aesthetic and emotional experience. Empirical study results: have created a set of art teaching aids for young children- Have Fun with Po Yu Bird, Game and Teaching Aids Set. The empirical study results suggested that the game and teaching aids set contains potential value for education, including: creating both aesthetic and emotional education game content rich in gameplay diversity for children; increasing the experiences gained from aesthetic education, experience the aesthetic experience of response, receptivity, and production, and express themselves feelings; and expanding emotional education to allow children to learn about themselves, others, and family through games and develop their own emotional awareness and empathy for others and family. The study hopes to inspire the thinking of teachers, create educational games, and apply the results to education.


Denac, O. (2014). The Significance and Role of Aesthetic Education in Schooling. Creative Education, 5(19), 1714-1719. doi: 10.4236/ce.2014.519190
Shih, Yi-Huang (2018). Aesthetic Education for Young Children in Taiwan: Importance and Purpose. International Education Studies, 11(10), 91-95. doi: 10.5539/ies.v11n10p91
王德育(譯)(1983)。創性與心智之成長:兒童美術發展心理學(原作者:V. Lowenfeld)。臺北市:啟源書局。(原作出版年:1947 年)
