  • 期刊


Investigating the Implementation of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Service in Special Education by Service Providers




Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is one of supportive services that should be provided for students with complex communication needs, required by law. Special education teachers and speech language pathologists (SLPs) are the major AAC services providers in schools. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the current AAC services situation, implementation experience, and importance of consideration factors for providing AAC services. 610 valid questionnaires were gained from teachers of self-contained class or special education schools and SLPs in special education system. Only the data of 477 who continued to provide AAC services or provided before were used for analysis. The major findings were (a) AAC services provided: the major AAC users were students with developmental disabilities, low tech AAC were used most, the main purposes of using AAC were expressing needs and wants, the procedure of AAC selection was SLPs' major job while special education teachers were in charge of AAC training. (b) implementation of AAC services: the degree of implementation in dimensions of assessment and selection, training and outcome measurement, and language assessment were low. But SLPs demonstrated higher degree, and AAC services providers who provided service continuously had higher degree in the previous two dimensions. (c) importance of consideration factors for AAC services: four factors (device obtaining, attitude and support, capabilities of client, outcome) were regarded as very important.


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