  • 期刊


The Community Capacity Building Process of Massage Worker Community in Response to the Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 649-An Observation




In Oct. 2008, the Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 649 declared that the reserved occupation of massage has violated the Constitution. This policy change is expected to have great impacts on this group's lives. This study started with the idea of building a partnership between the researchers and the visually impaired massage workers community, to work together in influencing government policies and actions after the Interpretation No. 649. Participatory action research was originally designed as the method. Nevertheless, as the community had access to more resources, the strategy of this study shifted towards participant observation. The findings of this research is consistent with existing studies on community capacity building, which emphasizes that community capacity building should be based on strong community identity, sense of belonging, trust, as well as inner and outer quality social network. Furthermore, this study also found that persons from outside the community who want to help building community capacity should pay special attention to the quality of the partnership, which should be based on equality, respect, and even long-term understanding, in order to play positive helping functions. Finally, leadership development within the community takes a long time, and is crucial for the community to have long-term influence and capacity.


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