  • 期刊


Exploring the Service Adjustment and Challenge Overcome Under Pandemic of COVID-19, Take the Beunen Foundation as an Example




During May 2021, Taiwan, like much of the world was struck with Covid-19. During the preliminary first couple of months, it was facing level 3 restrictions, that affected social services either to be suspended or have alternative plans. By using this detailed research & interviews we can learn about the nine directors of the 'Beunen Foundation' (Referred to as the Foundation) the anti-pandemic measures implemented during the pandemic of covid-19, and the methods that were implemented in the response to level 3 measures. This study found that it is vital to reduce the infection risk by providing sufficient anti-pandemic materials, trained/specialized staff and to strategic deployment of all recourses. In addition any suspension of services will inevitably create added burdens to families who take care of the needy or who are most 'at risk'. They're physical and mental well-being will likely also be affected, therefore alternative services and preparations must have a 'back-up' plan. For instance in urban areas, the Foundation often uses video call services as an alternative, including preparation of material packages or virtual courses. In suburban areas, home-based activities and assisted care are used as an alternative. Also, during the pandemic, telemedicial services worked closely with hospitals and vaccination stations combined with resources. Facing the dilemma topic during any pandemic it is also vital to provide some support to the management as a precaution. This should provide at least a good footing as a principle of " least harm " and used to balance the risk of infection with the physical and metal needs of the clients.


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吳小萍、陳芃年、王喬萱、蘇福明(2021)。臺灣社會福利組織面對COVID-19 之自助互助防疫行動-以基督教芥菜種會為例。社區發展季刊,175,259-270。
疾病管制署(2020 年 1 月 15 日)。疾管署自 2020 年 1 月 15 日起將「嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎」列為第五類法定傳染病。取自:https://www.cdc.gov.tw/Bulletin/Detail/JG8nPK775lyXJOTHvb8aIg?typeid=9
