  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


A Preliminary Study on the Application of Instant Communication to Sports Administrative Organizations




The purpose of this study is to explore the current status of the use of instant messaging as a communication tool by members of administrative organizations of sports organizations. Since there are few related documents about the application of instant messaging to sports administrative organizations, this study uses documents to analyze and analyze the application of instant messaging to enterprises and non-sports administrative organizations related research, so as to deduce what might happen to sports administrative organizations. This study found that instant messaging is an important tool for communication and management of organizations, but due to high frequency or improper use, it can easily increase work pressure, decrease job satisfaction, and increase personal turnover tendency, thereby reducing organizational performance. In view of the above, this research based on literature collection and comprehensive instant messaging related topics found that when organizations and administrative organizations use instant messaging as an important benchmark for managing organizations, they should pay attention to creating invisible pressures, thereby increasing the tendency to leave. However, the application of instant messaging in the management of sports administrative organizations will actually affect the changes in the subordinate's psychological path, which needs to be tested by follow-up empirical research and provide a basis for follow-up research or sports administrative organization management.
