  • 期刊


A Study of the Leisure Participation and Training Effects of Elite Athletes in Colleges




休閒參與 訓練效果


The purposes of this study are to explore the tendency of leisure participation of elite athletes in colleges and to evaluate the relationship between their leisure participation and training effects. The subjects of this study are elite athletes of colleges. A total of 654 questionnaires are sent out and 552 responded questionnaires are effective. The response rate of effective questionnaires is 84.40%. T test, one-way ANOVA, and canonical analysis are used to analyze the collected data. The findings of this study are as follows: First, there is difference in the leisure participation between male and female elite athletes. Male elite athletes have higher leisure participation than female elite athletes in all dimensions. Second, there is difference in the leisure participation between those elite athletes who study in private colleges and those who study in public colleges. Those who study in private colleges have higher leisure participation than those who study in public colleges. Third, there are differences among the training effects of elite athletes in colleges who have participated in different sports specific age. Fourth, the leisure participation of elite athletes in colleges can affect their training effects. Leisure participation will affect the training effects of elite athletes and therefore, coaches should encourage them to participate in recreational activities to improve the training effects.
