  • 期刊


The Relationship between Gym Users' Participation Motivation,Participation Degree, and Life Satisfaction-A Case of Gym in Northern Taiwan




The purpose of this research was to explore the relationship between gym users' participating motivation, participation degree, and life satisfaction. The questionnaires were administered by network for gym users from northern Taiwan (Keelung City, New Taipei City, Taipei City, Taoyuan City, Hsinchu County), and the returning rate was 97.38%. The research instruments were Participating Motivation Scale, Degree of Participation Scale, and Life Satisfaction Scale. The collected data were analyzed by simple linear regression, multiple stepwise regression, and multiple hierarchical regression. The results were as the following : 1. the users had more participation motivation, they would have higher participation degree. 2. the users had more participation degree, they would have higher life satisfaction. 3. the users had more participation motivation, they would have more life satisfaction. 4. participation degree had moderate effect between participation motivation and life satisfaction. The conclusion was that stronger participation motivation led higher participation degree, and higher participation degree would enhance life satisfaction.
