  • 期刊


Garbage into gold: Converting waste plastics into fuel


利用熱能程序和催化反應將廢棄物塑膠轉換成有用燃料是一項前景看好的技術,因為其可免除廢棄物對環境的傷害,同時也可減少人類對化石燃料的倚賴。熱降解反應(thermal degradation)將塑膠分解成三個餾分(fraction):瓦斯、原油、和固態殘渣。來自非催化裂解的原油通常是由高沸點碳氫化合物所構成。基本上,催化劑選取、反應器設計、裂解溫度、塑膠 - 催化劑間比例等轉換參數的最佳化,在有效生產汽油和柴油等級燃料過程中,佔有舉足輕重的地位。在熱轉換程序中,使用催化劑可降低轉換所需能量,同時,良好催化劑的選用可以提高製造燃料效率和降低成本,因為選擇適當催化劑可以較低碳氫化合物含量增加原油產量。藉降低產出原油的黏性,塑膠與煤炭或頁岩油的共同裂解可改善原油品質。在未來,我們預期有許多相關程序、持續改善和/或創新等技術與研究,將出現在產學界當中。為了此領域的前進,特別是轉換燃料之附加價值的增加,以及應用能源的最小化,相關催化系統的進一步研究是有必要的。本文目的在於綜論此類研究的傑出產出,以及分析該領域未來應完成的里程碑。


The thermal and catalytic processes of converting waste plastics into fuels are promising techniques to eliminate the refuse which otherwise is harmful to the environment, and decrease the dependence on fossil fuels. Thermal degradation decomposes plastic into three fractions: gas, crude oil, and solid residue. Crude oil from non-catalytic pyrolysis is usually composed of higher boiling point hydrocarbons. The optimization of conversion parameters such as the choice of catalyst, reactor design, pyrolysis temperature, and plastic-to-catalyst ratio plays a very important role in the efficient generation of gasoline and diesel grade fuel. The use of a catalyst for thermal conversion lowers the energy required for conversion, and the catalyst choice is important for efficient fuel production. The suitable selection of catalysts can increase the yield of crude oil with lower hydrocarbon content. Co-pyrolysis of plastics with coal or shale oil improves crude oil quality by decreasing its viscosity. A large number of publications have appeared on various processes, and continued improvements and/or innovations are expected in the future. Further investigations on the catalytic systems are required in order to advance the field, particularly to enhance the added value of fuels and to minimize the use of energy. This review aims to provide both the high lights of the remarkable achievements of this field and the milestones that need to be achieved in the future.
