  • 期刊


Exoteric Buddhism and Esoteric Buddhism Fusion in Cao Yuanzhong's Manjushri Temple




Textual The Tibetans occupied the city of Dunhuang from the year 781 to 848, which influenced the way Dunhuang was Comprehensive. In addition, the city's immersion in the Esoteric Buddhism of the Tibetan Empire has made the forms of Buddhism practiced in Dunhuang more diverse. In the early days of the Guiyi Army, the Esoteric Buddhism of images and the Esoteric Buddhism of images are found in the cave temple, but they are independent and have not yet been connected. In the late period of the Guiyi Army, the exoteric images had already melded with the cave temples' imagery. Cao Yuanzhong built the 61-cave Manjushri Temple, and added contained codified painting of both esoteric and exoteric Buddhist images. Exoteric images are very visibly painted on the north and south walls of the cave, and the esoteric ones were distributed near the western part of the north and south walls, the western wall, and the northern screen. The images from both schools of thought were painted on both sides of these. The northern and southern walls were designed with the exoteric Buddhism as their main themes, and places the use of the esoteric Buddhist doctrine on the central altar. The dense images all show the legal thoughts of the Buddha, the Buddha nature, the Buddha body and the Buddha incarnation. The Trikāya of the Buddha is combined in the cave temple. Therefore, the Manjusri Temple in the late Guiyi Army presents the best illustration of the fusion from exoteric Buddhism with esoteric Buddhism.


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