  • 期刊


A Study of Consumer Purchase Behavior between Hong Kong and Taiwan




大陸 臺灣 數字版權 電子書 授權


Nowadays, internet using is increasing popularity, digitizing books appeared, Mainland China is gradually increasing the strength of digital publishing industry, paper book publishing is facing a great challenges. Taiwan publishing industry had far outstripped on book released number of Hong Kong, but Hong Kong publishing industry is mainly publishing the imported book. In the face of consumer buying behavior, there are several differences between Hong Kong and Taiwan that may become a valuable research. The questionnaire was conducted to collect the necessary information. The result shows that there were less difference in purchase motivation between the consumer of Hong Kong and Taiwan; but publisher should concern the "price", "convenient place to buy" and "gifts, discounts, promotional activities etc." and "books reputation" may have different characteristics in two places. We hope the results of this study can provide to the publisher as a valuable reference for their marketing strategies.


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