  • 期刊


The Aarticulation of Healthism and the Beauty Myth: Consumerism in Taiwanese Women's Practices of Leisure Sports (1990-2010)




Western sport sociologists have been focusing on healthism and its inordinate attention on the promotion of healthy lifestyles in modern consumer society. This research explores how healthism and consumerism affects women in Taiwan from 1990 to 2010 in terms of leisure sport. Through contextualized qualitative research, critical discourse analysis was adopted to build a thick description of the historical articulation of healthism and consumerism's influence on women's practices of leisure sports, with relevant governmental polices and mass media during the period of time as the main research texts. The results suggest that healthism, consisting of Western medicine, public sanitation, and sport academic research, had great influence on Taiwanese government as well as the sport industry's promotion on leisure sports during the 1990s, with Taiwanese women being the major subject of relevant policies back then. Exercising and keeping fit were described as a personal responsibility for contemporary Taiwanese women, and this dominant discipline can be seen as a combination of the beauty myth, healthism and consumerism.


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