  • 期刊


The Revitalization of Degrading Cultural Landscape the Spatial Signification of Historical Railway of Tai-An Village




Rich in cultural landscape but abolition of the old mountain railway the village gradually declined, Tai-An Village in Taichung County is looking at the possibility of developing cultural tourism. The purposes of this study are to apply Henri Lefebvre's social space theory in discussing the social signification of cultural landscapes, and further explore the differences in identification of Tai-An cultural landscapes between different social groups. Through interview and local documentations 20 representative cultural landscapes were selected. Then in-depth interview of the residents, local elites and the administrative sectors were conducted. The results found include: (1) Regarding each group's intention of preserving Tai-An Village's cultural landscape, administrative and professional opinions for preservation focused almost entirely on two famous landscapes, the Tai-An Train Station on the old mountain line and the Truss Bridge; yet local residents have different views on what should be preserved. They pay much attention on the ordinary and religious landscape around them. (2) Corresponds to Lefebvre's concept of space, the ”spatial practices” showed that the village's old railway industry and the cultural landscape changes are closely related, the ”representations of space” showed different imagination of development of the cultural industry development between the three groups, while ”representational spaces” showed conflicts arising from actions between these groups. (3) The identification of local residents toward Tai-An Village's unique cultural landscape is established through the representational spaces, so that residents can reconstruct unique local characteristics of Tai-An Village and preserve the distinct qualities in their current landscape. The results can serve as a reference for officials and professionals in identification of cultural landscape, developing and planning future policies, and help to establish a feasible mechanism for public participation.


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