  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Population fluctuations and forecasting of the white-backed planthopper, Sogatella furcifera on rice in Chiayi region, Taiwan




The white-backed planthopper (abbr. WBPH) (Sogatella furcifera (Horvath), Homoptera: Delphacidae) is an important insect pest of rice in Taiwan occasionally. Present study was conducted to investigate its population fluctuations, to determine the factors affecting abundance, and to develop the models for forecasting its population abundance based on the data collected from the monitored fields and traps from 1982 to 2002 in Chiayi region. According to the catches of adult by traps and the population monitoring in paddy fields, the population of WBPH in recent years tended to increase distinctively, especially in the second cropping season. It was observed that the WBPH could overwinter on ratooning rice in Taiwan with a very low population of macropterous adult which could supposedly migrate to the early-planted rice of the first cropping season from late December to the beginning of January. The adults of the first generation from the early- planted rice appeared from late March to early April and most of them migrate to the later planted rice. The population peak in the first cropping season mostly appeared during the nymphal stage of the third generation from late May to early June. However, the population abundance in the third generation was positively correlated with the total catches of air-borne net trap from late April to early May, but not with the overwintered population, indicating the influence of immigrant population affecting its peak population was greater than that of locally overwintered population. On ratooning rice of the first cropping season, very rare nymph could be observable, except macropterous adults. In the second cropping season, the WBPH went through 3 to 4 generations. The populations of the insect in paddy fields were greatly affected by the date and population of immigrants as well as the planting time of rice. The early-planted rice usually received higher population of the immigrants, and the population peak mostly appeared in the fifth generation, while in the common (middle) or later-planted rice, the population peak appeared in the nymphal stage of the sixth or seventh generation, but mostly in the seventh generation in the later planted rice. Population abundance was positively correlated with the total catches by light trap in August, and the temperature in September and October, but it was negatively correlated with the average temperature in August and rainfall in September and October. The population declined sharply in the eighth generation from late October to early November, and macropterous adults could rarely be observed on ratooning rice from December to early January in a few years. Several models for forecasting its population abundance both in the first and second cropping season were developed for further tests of their validity.


