  • 期刊


Minority Government and Accountability: Party Competition under the Semi-Presidential System in Taiwan




Democracy relies on the establishment of political accountability, which is dependent on the full-fledged development of party politics. Since Chen Shui-bian of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) assumed the presidency, Taiwan’s constitutional operation under the semi-presidential system has encountered a variety of dramatic challenges. the Chen Shui-bian administration has not worked closely with the DPP as a party. The competition between the DPP and the other parties also led to the intensification of the power struggle. Moreover, there is a serious cleavage between the DPP and the opposition parties on the issue of unification-independence on the one hand, and between the DPP and the electorate on the other hand. In the future, Chen Shui-bian and DPP must revert to the normal constitutional operation and reconstruct an effective governing coalition. Both the reinforcement of the interaction between the DPP and the government and the institutionalization of party competition and cooperation are also suggested. On the issue of unification-independence, in addition, quite necessary is to narrow the gap between the DPP on the one hand and the electorate and the opposition parties on the other hand.


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