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An Exploratory Research on the Digital Library Model to Support Genetic Criticism


本文釐清了文人作家手稿典藏的範疇及其對於文學批評研究上的重要性,並藉由介紹法國文學批評領域中的「文本起源學」(Genetic Criticism),揭示文學研究者以「前文本」(avant-texte)剖析文學家的手稿、筆記與標註等文件的結構化研究方法。然而文本起源學的研究,特別是對於前文本的分析上,必須從歷史、文學批評與手稿徵集等不同專業進行三角鑑定。單一研究者難以克服分析與解讀的盲點,也無法有效考證前文本的正確性與相關性。面對數量龐大的手稿資料,文本起源學研究將勢必與圖書資訊的知識組織與檔案學對於私人文書整理的專業知識進行跨領域的合作。基於現今手稿數位典藏所使用的TEI與EAD後設資料規範所具有的優缺點,本文提出一套手稿數位圖書館運作模式,以支援文學家、圖書館員與檔案館員進行跨領域合作研究。


This article elaborates the concept of literary manuscript repositories and its importance in the study of literary criticism. Through the introduction of "genetic criticism", a French textual criticism approach, the use of "avant-texte" for critics to analysis writers' manuscripts, drafts and notes is revealed. However, a triangulation among the historical background, mouvement littéraire and manuscript repository is needed in genetic criticism approach, especially during the analysis of avant-texte. Hardly can single researcher overcome blind spots during the process of analysis and interpretation of avant-text. The correctness and relevance of avant-text could not be easily assured by one scholar alone, either. Facing the massive amount of manuscript, joint researches among genetic critics, librarians and archivists is a must. Based on the pros and cons of TEI and EAD metadata schemes which generally used in today's digital manuscript repositories, this article provides an operation model for digital manuscript libraries to support interdisciplinary collaborative researches among literary critics, librarians and archivists.


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