  • 期刊


Evaluation of Prior Art Search Models for Chinese Patents




The number of patent applications has increased sharply over the last decades in various countries. Patent offices of these areas have planned or are about to recruit more patent examiners for dealing with the ever-increasing applications. Before issuing a patent, the examiners need to conduct a prior art search in order to know whether the techniques revealed in the application meet the novelty requirement for a patent. On the other hand, any individual or enterprise, before applying a patent or currently involving in a patent lawsuit case, will also inevitably conduct a prior art search to make sure they will not infringe other's patent rights. Therefore, patent prior art search is a high-stake task. Several research activities have been conducted in other countries. However, none has done for traditional Chinese patents. Based on the real-world patent collection, this study compares five models for prior art search, namely manual Boolean search, automatic search, pseudo relevance feedback, true relevance feedback, and human-machine interaction. Evaluated on 24 prior art search items, fully automatic pseudo relevance feedback was found to be able to achieve the effectiveness level of semi-automatic true relevance feedback. In addition, the human-machine interaction based on various terms suggested by the retrieval system performed un-expected low, even worse than the fully automatic models. However, this shows that the automatic retrieval techniques have reached a level that is able to help novice users in promoting their prior art search performance.


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