  • 期刊


Evaluation of Sustainable Competitiveness of Taiwan Counties and Cities and Its Key Influencing Factors-Application of Entropy Weight Method


城市發展和政策制定多將城市競爭力提升作為城市未來發展之政策導向,惟發展方案評估若僅基於決策者主觀權重設定,往往易失之偏頗,如能一併衡酌資料數據自身產生之權重結果,將可從不同觀點更客觀地輔以判斷及決策。熵權(Entropy Weight)法為Shannon於1948年所提出之權重衡量方法,係針對某種訊息之資訊傳遞多寡,據以計算評估準則之相對權重,為一種客觀權重的評價方法����其優勢在於熵權較大的指標,代表該指標越重要,其向決策者提供了較多的信息,因此評價方案可根據熵權較大的相關指標重點考察與決定政策方針����本文主要貢獻在於以另一客觀視角評估縣市永續競爭力及其關鍵影響因素,改善決策者權重主觀設定可能導致方案評估之偏誤,而輔以熵權法就資料數據本身計算所得之相對客觀權重納入評估,結果除可提供決策者針對相關因素權重是否需折衷訂定之考量參酌外,必要時並可在同條件下與傳統方式(如AHP法、Delphi專家問卷等)所推求之影響因素權重作另一比較分析。本研究應用熵權法探討臺灣19縣市永續競爭力5大構面之績效值與總績效值,並由各影響因素之相對權重值大小推知縣市永續競爭力之關鍵影響因素。經分析後發現,臺灣19縣市永續競爭力前5名依序為臺北市、高雄市、新北市、花蓮縣及桃園市,而縣市永續競爭力5大構面之競爭優勢則分別由臺北市(政府效率構面)、臺北市(經濟發展構面)、花蓮縣(生活宜居構面)、臺北市(基礎設施構面)及新北市(勞動就業構面)獨佔鰲頭,另外縣市永續競爭力之前3項關鍵影響因素依序為1.國際飯店房間數、2.公共汙水下水道用戶接管普及率及3.大眾運輸使用率。實證結果可供中央及各縣市政府從不同觀點作為其提升縣市競爭力之施政參考。


In urban development and policy formulation, the improvement of urban competitiveness is often used as the policy guide for the future development of cities. However, the evaluation of development programs based on the subjective weights of decision makers is often a volatile bias. As a result, judgment and decision-making can be more objectively complemented from different perspectives. The Entropy Weight method is a weight measurement method proposed by Shannon in 1948. It is based on the amount of information transmitted by a certain message, and is used to calculate the relative weight of the evaluation criteria. It is an objective weight evaluation method. Its advantage lies in the index with larger entropy weight, which means that the index is more important, and it provides more information to decision makers. Therefore, the evaluation scheme can focus on the relevant indicators with larger entropy weight to review and determine policy guidelines. The main contribution of this article is to evaluate the sustainable competitiveness of counties and cities and its key influencing factors from another objective perspective, improve the subjective setting of decision makers' weights, and to include the relative objective weight calculated by the data of the entropy method in the assessment. In addition to the results, the decision makers can consider whether the weights of the relevant factors need to be compromised or not. If necessarily and under the same conditions, the weight of the influencing factors can be compared to the results by traditional methods (such as AHP method, Delphi expert questionnaire, etc.) for another comparative analysis. This study uses the entropy weight method to explore the performance values and total performance values of the five major aspects of sustainable competitiveness in Taiwan's 19 counties and cities. The key factors that influence the sustainable competitiveness of counties and cities are deduced from the relative weights of each influencing factor. After analysis, it was found that the top 5 sustainable competitiveness of 19 counties and cities in Taiwan were Taipei City, Kaohsiung City, New Taipei City, Hualien County, and Taoyuan City, and the competitive advantages of the 5 major aspects of sustainable competitiveness of the counties and cities were respectively Taipei City (Government Efficiency Aspect), Taipei City (Economic Development Aspect), Hualien County (Livable Aspect), Taipei City (Infrastructure Aspect), and New Taipei City (Employment Aspect). In addition, the three key factors affecting the sustainable competitiveness of counties and cities are: 1. Number of international hotel rooms, 2. Public sewage sewer user take-up penetration rate, and 3. Public transport utilization rate. The empirical results can be used by the central government and the counties and cities from different perspectives as a reference for improving the competitiveness of counties and cities.


中華民國內政部營建署(2016-2018 ),https://www.cpami.gov.tw, 2020年01月11日。
