  • 期刊



本研究系基於索緒爾(Saussure)的符號學和維高斯基(Vygotsky)的社會建構論,以質的方法與話語分析(discourse analysis)的取向進行分析,嘗試瞭解在國中理化教室中師生及同儕間是如何談論科學,以及這些有關科學的對話,對於學生建構科學概念所產生之影響。 研究物件為一個國三自願就學班,資料收集歷時一學期,每週四節理化課。收集方式包括教室觀察的現場記錄、錄音、錄影、問卷調查、教師和部份學生的課後訪談,以及討論工作單、學生成績等其他檔資料的收集。資料分析系以錄音、錄影資料轉錄後與現場記錄合併重建現場,再針對科學術語以及科學概念之相差對話整理成對話片段。其次將對話片段依研究問題建立編碼類別,並與其他來源資料交叉比對形成初步發現,再以持續比較法由資料中做歸納的發展而建構結論。 因為學生的潛在發展區(ZPD)各不相同,加上不同程度的參與,使得他們在科學語言上的發展,從最初基於經驗直接以字面意義解釋不熟悉的科學術語,到完整地利用科學陳述表達想法之間,出現不同的發展程度。籍著科學語言的使用主動參與討論,對於科學概念的建構有正面的助益。此外,教室互動過程中科學概念的學習受到知識的權威性的影響,但影響程度因人而異,學習成就愈低者受科學知識權威性的影響愈大。且學生參與互動的意圖,對其知識建構的影響舉足輕重。


The purpose of this study was to explore the teacher-student and student-student science discourse in the context of a science classroom. Based on Saussure’s semiology and Vygotskian social constructivism, the science dialogue and interaction of the teacher and students were analyzed by discourse analysis and qualitative methods. Attempt was made to understand how the teacher and students talked about science and how their dialogues influenced students’construction of science concepts. Nineteen 9th grade students of a class participated in this study. All of them could choose to apply for entering senior high schools without attending the regional entrance examination. Data collection of this study, by ways of questionnaires, classroom observation, interviews, pupils’worksheets, and other documents, was conducted during a whole semester for five months. The dialogues in discussions and interviews were recorded, transcribed and analyzed, then the events happened in the science classroom were reconstructed. Moreover, the dialogues related to science terms and concepts were divided into paragraphs. The paragraphed dialogues were not only coded according to the research problems, but also triangulated with the data from other sources. Finally, constant comparative method was used to establish the assertions. The findings of this study indicated that, students’construction of science concepts was not merely a continuous process of social negotiation using science discourse. Students’development in the use of scientific languages varied, because of the differences in the zone of proximal development (ZPD) and the extent of participation. It varied from the initially literal explanation of unfamiliar daily experiences to the pertinent use of scientific statements in expressing their thoughts. Active participation in discussions using scientific languages was found to render meaningful advantages in the construction of science concepts. It was worth noting that the authority of knowledge influenced the interaction process in classroom; however, the effects were not the same for all the students. The poorer the students’understanding, the more they were influenced by the knowledge authority. Besides, students’intention to participate in the interaction with others was also essential for their knowledge construction.


