  • 期刊


Big Difference between Taipei and Kaohsiung? A Study of Media Use Frequency and Perceived Media Importance in Relation to Political Cynicism and Voting Behavior


本研究嘗試去檢測「媒介使用」與「媒介重要性評估」對於「政治犬儒主義」與「投票行為」之影響力,對於台北與高雄之網路選民是否有不同? 「電子郵件調查法」乃是本研究所採行之研究方法,於2006年北、高兩市市長選舉投票日後一週執行。研究結果發現,無論是台北市或高雄市的網路選民,對於政治都充滿了高度的憤世嫉俗。以台北市而言,年紀越大、政治興趣越低的網路選民傾向有較高的犬儒主義;使用候選人網站、部落格的頻率越高、越是覺得這類媒介對於個人政治資訊的提供是重要的,傾向有較低的犬儒主義;越是覺得電視政治call-in節目之於政治資訊的提供是重要的、較常點閱政治相關電子郵件者,政治犬儒主義則越高。在高雄市方面,男性比女性之網路選民傾向有較高的犬儒主義;越是覺得候選人網站、部落格對於個人政治資訊的提供是重要的,傾向有較低的犬儒主義;越是認為點閱入口網站之政治新聞在政治資訊的提供上是重要的,傾向有較高的犬儒主義。 而在「投票行為」之預測上,無論是台北市或高雄市,政治興趣皆可以顯著預測投票行為,而政治犬儒主義則沒有顯著預測力;越常收看電視政治call-in節目的台北市網路選民,傾向在此次台北市長選舉中去投票,但越常去點閱入口網站政治新聞之高雄市網路選民,卻傾向在此次高雄市長選舉中缺席了。


This study tries to explore if there is any discrepancy between Taipei and Kaohsiung while examining the effects of ”media use” and ”perceived media importance” in relation to political cynicism and voting behavior. The research method adopted by this study was an E-mail survey conducted one week after the 2006 Taipei and Kaohsiung mayoral elections. The results showed that both of the voters in Taipei and Kaohsiung had high political cynicism. In Taipei, the elder and low political interest voters tended to have higher political cynicism. Individuals who used candidate web sites and blogs more frequently and perceived the media's importance to be high in providing political information for their personal needs tended to have lower political cynicism. People who read more the political-related e-mails and perceived the importance of TV call-in programs were found to have a significant positive association with political cynicism. In Kaohsiung, male respondents were more likely to have higher cynicism. People who perceived candidate web sites and blogs were more important tended to have lower political cynicism. And if people who perceived the importance in browsing political news on web portals, they inclined to have higher political cynicism. In predicting the voting behavior, political interest had a significant impact on voting. However, political cynicism was unable to predict the voting behavior either in Taipei or Kaohsiung. The more frequently Taipei voters watched TV call-in programs and perceived the importance of the candidate web sites and blogs, the more they tended to vote. But the voting rate was relatively low among Kaohsiung voters who browsed political news on web portals more frequently.


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