  • 期刊


A Political Economic Analysis of Student Housing of Private University in Taiwan: The Case of Tamkang University


形成今日各大學校內住宿不足與校外房租過高、品質低落等學生住宿問題,一直是各界所關切的焦點。過去相關研究經常將該問題簡化為租賃市場供需問題,或是教育問題來檢討,認為只要增加市場供應量,並要求校方增建宿舍和提高教育部補助即可解決。然而問題不僅未獲得改善,甚至在1989年之後引發各校的抗租運動。本文係以淡江大學為例,就以上兩種解釋不足之處著手,也就是從和立大學發展歷程與淡水都市化的脈絡,來重新探討住宿問題的成因。 根據本文的分析形成淡大住宿問題的關鍵因素是,台灣戰後的和立大學用來填補台灣經濟發展過程中,廉價高等勞動力再生產的不足。但在淡大辦學商品化的前題之下,學生宿舍成為校方不願投資的低利潤商品。結果,校外非正式經濟之市場以強韌的活力生產大量低品質、廉價出租民宅,吸納大部份的學生,緩和了住宿不足的危機。1980年中期之復,國家意圖增加高等勞動力比例使產業獲得昇級,因而縱容了淡大的增班、增系。但是淡大四周的都市計劃根本冉法應付急速膨漲的外宿學生,加速了校外非正式部門的漫延及住宿環境品質的惡化。緊接著1988年狂飊中的台北房地產市場延及淡大周邊土地,校外學生住宿納入房地產市場炒作的對象,導致房租全面飛漲,而觸發了淡大學生的抗租運動。


One of the current concerns in education planning is factors causing high rent, low quality and dwinding supply of student housing at private universties. Up to now, most research studies reduced these problems to a question of demend and supply and simply advocate increases in production of housing unit. However, increasing the supply of housing had not ameliorated the problems, instead, it had exerebated the situation. This paper's hypothesis is that causes of the current student housing problems can be traced to the attempts by the government to produce a large technical labor force to meet the demand of post war economic boom. Using Tamkang University as a case, the analysis shows that as private higher education becomes more com modified, there is a corresponding reduction in willingness to invest in capital improvement of stodent housing, which does not provide divest economic return on investment. As a result, the housing problem is sloved temporarily by the informal sector outside of university campus in the surrounding community. During the 1980's in response to state's efforts to upgrade indurstial technology, the university began to expand rapidly. The community informal infrastructure and housing supply could not keep pace with the expansion, resulting in deterioratoin of housing and environmental quality. By 1988, the run-away land and real-estate speculation has adversely affected the community surrounding the Tamkang university, causing sharp increase in rent and thus a further disintegration of the student housing environment. These events finally culminated in the student anti-rent movement of 1989.


袁筱媛(2004)。學生宿舍中之領域性與私密性相關行為研究 -以中原大學良善宿舍為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200400747
