  • 期刊


A Preliminary Model of Predicting Orthostatic Tolerance for Pilots


體適能可預期改變心臟血管的功能,間接地影響飛行員的G耐力,本研究爲設計一種改進的體傾斜測驗方法,用於計量直立性耐力。 43位健康的男性參與此項實驗,他們被指導踩動腳踏車式測功計,其功率爲每分鐘增加45瓦特,直到達至個人的最大運動心跳率70~85%。在運動終未,他們被要求後仰30(,下肢懸空,之後10分鐘內,眼睛恒注視前方弧狀燈桿的中央,並隨時報告視覺模糊或頭昏的症狀,其間,相關的心臟血管參數爲每隔1分鐘測量一次。 實驗結果顯示在傾斜測驗的過程,發生頭暈或視覺模糊的受測者各有10和11人,變異項分析顯示在停止運動的初期,重力作用對心跳率的影響,於反應者和無反應者之間,呈顯著的差異,此外,無反應者的脈搏壓較反應者爲高。當比較受測者的運動習慣,發現反應者多爲缺少運動或無氧運動較少者。 本研究的初步結果顯示正確的平衡性體能訓練(有氧和無氧均衡的運動)有利於改善直立性耐力或G耐力,但有待以人體離心機作更進一步的檢測。


直立性耐力 G耐力 體適能


It was anticipated that physical fitness causes changes in cardiovascular function which directly affect G tolerance of pilots. The present study deals with a procedure designed to improve the tilting test for use in determining orthostatic tolerance. Forty-three healthy men participated in the experiment. They were instructed to ride a bicycle ergometer whose work load was increased stepwise at 45 Watts per minute until their target heart rates had reached 70~85% of maximum exercise heart rate individually. At the end of exercise, they were asked to tilt 30( head-up with both legs suspended to determine their orthostatic tolerances. In a 10 minute post-exercise period, they were instructed to fix their gaze at the center of an arc-shaped light bar directly in front of them and to report any blurring of peripheral vision or faint. Meanwhile, related cardiovascular parameters were recorded at 1 minute interval. Throughout being challenged of head-up tilt, 10 and 11 subjects complained of faint and dimming vision respectively. Analysis of variance revealed that the gravitation effect was significant for heart rates of reactor (21) and non-reactor (22) during the first phase of or-thostasis. Besides, the higher pulse pressures were almost associated with non-reactors rather than reactors. In comparison of habitual activities, the reactors are found to be sedentary or less anerobic conditioned subjects, whereas the no-reactors are more anerobic conditioned subjects. These preliminary data suggest a properly balanced physical conditioning program might be beneficial to orthostatic or G tolerance. More research remains to be performed on human centrifuge.
