  • 期刊


Terminal care of lung cancer with bone metastasis: a case report




肺癌 骨轉移 末期照護


This article describes the terminal care of a patient with lung cancer and bone metastases. The period of care is from October 4th to November 4th, 2020. Gordon's eleven health functions are used to integrate the physical, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects. The assessment revealed that the patient had health problems such as chronic pain, anticipatory grief, and hopelessness. Use the teamwork care model to provide symptom treatment, use drugs and non-drug pain relief methods to reduce pain and relieve uncomfortable symptoms; establish a good nurse-patient relationship, use listening, communication and empathy skills to accept their emotional responses, and use Life review enables the case to regain the love and care for the value, meaning of life and family members, and to improve the negative emotion of hopelessness; to encourage the case and family members to tell the truth about their inner feelings and the fact of facing death through the use of interview techniques. Family members narrate their gratitude for the case and preparations for death, and promote mutual goodbye and love between family members and patients, so that each other has no regrets. It is hoped that the care experience reported in this case can be used as a reference for caring for similar cases in the future.


lung cancer bone metastasis terminal care
