  • 期刊


A Bayesian Approach to the Inference of Individual and Segment Level Parameters in Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis




Doing choice-based conjoint analysis, it is a typical approach to estimate part-worths at the aggregate level. However, hierarchical Bayes approach could overcome the limit. The Bayesian approach integrates the aggregate level parth-worths as prior information to adjust the individual level part-worths and thus individual level part-worths could be inferenced more precisely. Theoretically, the precision of individual level part-worths could be improved if the segment level part-worths are used as prior information. In view of the above reason, a hierarchical Bayes choice model with mixture of normals prior is proposed to improve the prior for the inferenc of individual part-worths. The proposed model overcomes the limits of traiditional Bayesian approaches because the traiditional approach could not provide both segment and individual levels part-worths in a conjoint analysis. In this paper, the authors illustrate how multivariate mixture of normals model could improve the understanding of those latent segments hidden in the data. Specifically, the model provides a solution for the understanding of individual preference and identifies consumer segments in an analysis. With an application to a travel service conjoint study, we show how this modeling approach could help us to uncover individual and segment levels parameters in a choice-based conjoint analysis.


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