  • 期刊


The Research into Structured Factors of the Service Quality and Consumer's Behavior on the Golf Driving Range


本研究目的在探討高爾夫練習場的消費者對服務品質的因素成分與對消費行為影響,其主要目的有二:一、瞭解高爾夫練習場服務品質的結構因素,以便掌握影響消費者實際感受的心理要素。二、找出高爾夫練習場的服務品質結構因素對消費者行為的預測力,以便提供業者作為擬定經營管理策略的參考指標。 本研究以東吳大學、銘傳大學選修高爾夫課程學生223位,及十二座高爾夫練習場一般球友204位,共427位為研究對象,並以「高爾夫練習場消費者滿意度量表」為研究工具,進行問卷調查。所蒐集的資料經因素分析、t考驗、變異數分析、逐步迴歸分析後,獲得下列結果:一、高爾夫練習場服務品質結構因素有七個:(一)顧客為尊;(二)球具專賣;(三)飲食販賣;(四)員工態度;(五)廣告溝通;(六)消費與安全;(七)專業與空間。二、從每一題的重要程度與實際表現之間的落差,可發現:重要程度均比實際表現來得高,其落差均達到顯著差異,意指顧客對練習場服務品質並不十分滿意。三、服務品質的七個結構因素對及三個不同向度之消費行為均具不同的預測力。


The purpose of this research is to probe into the structure factors of the service quality and their influence over the consumer's behaviour in the golf driving ranges. There are three major purposes: 1. Understanding the structure factors of golf driving range service quality, and to probe into the relative importance in order to control the mental factors that affect satisfaction levels. 2. Find out the service quality structure factors of golf driving ranges to forecast the consumer's behavior in order to provide a reference guideline for the drawing up of operational management policies for the industry. This research requested 223 students who chose golf courses as their elective course at the Soochow University and Ming-Chuan University, and 204 club mates from 12 golf driving ranges, totalling 427 people as research objects. Their purpose is to use the satisfaction measured level tabled of golf driving range consumers as a research tool to process a survey feedback. The information collected and via factors analyzed, t test, changing factors analysis and step by step rotated analysis, the conclusions are as follows: A. There are 7 structure factors of service quality in the golf driving ranges. 1. Customer is always right. 2. Golf tools sales. 3. Food and beverage sales. 4. Staff attitude. 5. Commercial communication. 6. Consuming and Safety. 7. Professional and Space. B. From the importance level of every question to the difference in the actual performance, we discover that the importance level is averagely higher than the actual performance. The fall has reached an obvious difference, which means customers are not very satisfied about the service quality of the driving range. C. The 7 structure factors of service quality and 3 different directions as the prediction of the consumer's behavior.


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