

交叉性失語症意指在慣用右手病人因右側腦部病變造成的失語症,是一種罕見的失語症。這個病症最早在西元1899年被提出,之後引起各方討論及研究,目前對於交叉性失語症正確的神經學機制仍未明瞭。交叉性失語症的損傷部位與語言表現可分成兩種形式,第一型是鏡像型(mirror-image),與相對應的左腦損傷造成的失語症表現類似;第二型是異常型(anomalous),其語言表現與左腦損傷典型失語症表現不同。在國內對於此病症的討論甚少,希望藉此機會提出來,以增加國人對此罕見病症進一步的認識。 本文共收集二位腦中風病人(二位皆是右側中大腦動脈阻塞),二位皆是慣用右手,且無慣用左手的家族史,病人因右側腦部損傷皆有左側肢體無力,以及不同程度的失語症,病人在接受語言治療後有不同程度的恢復。本文除報告二位病人的臨床表現及預後外,並做相關文獻回顧。


Crossed aphasia is defined as aphasia due to right hemisphere lesion in dextrals. It is a rare syndrome. It was reported first time in 1899, then it elicited much discussion and studies. Nowadays the pathophysiology of crossed aphasia is still unclear. According to the site of lesion and the characteristics of language, crossed aphasia can be divided into two types. Type I is ”mirror – image”, the features are similar to the left hemisphere lesions. Type II is ”anomalous”, the language features are different from the typical left hemisphere aphasia. The studies of this syndrome are very rare in our country. We hope that through this case report, we can improve our knowledge about the crossed aphasia. We collected two stroke patients (both cases were right middle cerebral artery infarction) those had been admitted to our hospital. Both patients are right-handed and have no family history of left-handed. Left hemiplegia due to right hemisphere lesion and different extents of aphasia were noted. Patients had different prognosis after receiving speech rehabilitation. In this article, we report the clinical finding and prognosis of these two patients, and review literatures about this syndrome.


crossed aphasia right-handed stroke
